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FAQ Admission to Master's Degrees

For assistance

In Annex 1 of the admission call, you will find the list of programs along with the number of available slots for competition

In Annex 1 - International courses, only international programs are listed.

You can find the admission criteria and available slots in Annex 1.

For the international programs in Annex 1 - International courses

Yes, click here
Please note! Submitting the application is necessary to participate in the admission competition; you can enroll only after the final ranking is published. Submitting the admission application is only for competing for a place at Unical. You must wait for the publication of final rankings to complete your enrollment

Most courses allow you to enroll even if you have not yet obtained your degree (see attachment 1 for the courses that allow this). In this case, you can enroll conditionally: you must obtain your degree by the academic year 2023/2024. If you do not meet this condition, your enrollment will be canceled. In this case, any fees paid (excluding the enrollment fee) will be credited to your previous academic career. Candidates who still need to obtain their degree from other universities must upload the declaration in format no. 2 on ESSE3.

No, you can access Esse3 with your previous credentials (username = Tax Code).
If you don't remember the password, proceed with the recovery:

  1. Click on 'Forgot password' at
  2. Enter only the Tax Code.
  3. Within 15 minutes, a link will be sent to your personal email for password reset (also check the spam folder).

THE LINK IS VALID FOR ONE HOUR, after which the procedure must be repeated.

After setting the password, wait about 10 minutes to access Esse3 (the username is the Tax Code).

If you do not remember the personal email address you provided at the time of registration, please submit a request to change your email address

  1. Click on 'Forgot password' at
  2. Enter only the Tax Code.
  3. Within 15 minutes, a link will be sent to your personal email for password reset (also check the spam folder).

THE LINK IS VALID FOR ONE HOUR, after which the procedure must be repeated.

After setting the password, wait about 10 minutes to access Esse3 (the username is the Tax Code).

If you do not remember the personal email address you provided at the time of registration, please submit a request to change your email address

Certainly, you can select "not yet obtained" in the relevant section for the degree data. You can then enroll conditionally: you must obtain the degree by the academic year 2023/2024. If you do not meet this condition, your enrollment will be canceled. In that case, any fees paid (excluding the enrollment fee) will be adjusted against your previous academic career.

Make sure you enter your place of birth in the "comune/città" (town/city) field, not your current residence. If you have correctly entered your place of birth and continue to see the error message, please send a screenshot of the error to

Send an email to from the email address registered on Esse3, specifying that the withdrawal was made by mistake and indicate the Study Program

Yes, you can participate. You will need to submit a new application

You can enroll if you are listed as "admitted" in the final ranking. The notice will be published on

Be sure to follow the instructions and deadlines specified in the notice to avoid being excluded.

Enrollment is formalized by paying the first installment of university fees - €16.50. The only payment method accepted is online. Failure to pay according to the specified method and deadlines will result in exclusion from the ranking and forfeiture of the right to enroll. Click here for the enrollment guide

Write to

After paying the enrollment fee, you will see your student ID number on the home page of your Esse3 account

You can find instructions to activate the account on the student email page.

Attention! This email account will be used for all official communications to the student from the University. Therefore, we recommend checking it frequently.

Le tasse universitarie vengono calcolate in funzione del reddito, sulla base dell’attestazione ISEE-Università. 
Per ulteriori informazioni sul calcolo e sugli esoneri previsti leggi il Regolamento tasse e relativo allegato 1

Request the ISEE-University certification for subsidized services for the right to university education immediately.

For those participating in the Benefits and Services for the Right to Study Notice (link), it must be requested by the application deadline. For those not participating in the aforementioned notice, it must be requested by October 17, 2024.

You can request it at any Tax Assistance Center (CAF), the Municipality of residence, or at an INPS office, by submitting the Single Substitute Declaration and indicating the income earned.

The ISEE-University will be acquired automatically by the University of Calabria: you do not need to submit it to our offices.

Attention: ISEE-University certifications with omissions or discrepancies are NOT valid

If you do not request the ISEE-Università certification, you will be required to pay the maximum amount specified (see Fee Regulations and related annex).

L’ISEE si applica al diritto allo studio universitario se è presente, nella prima pagina dell’attestazione, la dicitura “si applica alle PRESTAZIONI AGEVOLATE PER IL DIRITTO ALLO STUDIO UNIVERSITARIO IN FAVORE DI    - codice fiscale dello studente ”.

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È possibile richiedere al CAF una nuova attestazione/rettifica dell’ISEE-Università (la nuova attestazione deve avere un protocollo nello stesso anno solare). Se sei già immatricolato, devi comunicare  all’Area Servizi Didattici, il rilascio della nuova attestazione aprendo un ticket

Se più componenti del nucleo familiare sono iscritti all’università (o si immatricolano nell’anno di rilascio dell’attestazione), nella prima pagina dell’attestazione, a fianco della dicitura “si applica alle PRESTAZIONI AGEVOLATE PER IL DIRITTO ALLO STUDIO UNIVERSITARIO IN FAVORE DI” devono essere riportati i codici fiscali di entrambi gli studenti.

Per gli eventuali codici fiscali non riportati, l’ISEE non si applica al diritto allo studio e pertanto, per essi, verrà applicata la tassazione massima

Bisogna controllare se nell’attestazione è presente il campo Annotazioni 

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You can find the requested information at the following link