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Costruzioni idrauliche e marittime e idrologia (CEAR-01/B)
- Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente - (DIAm)
- Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente - (DIAm)
- francesco.macchione@unical.it
- 0984/496558
Reception Hours
Venerdì dalle 11:30 alle 12:30 su appuntamento, da prenotarsi all'indirizzo francesco.macchione@unical.it
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Full professor (starting from July, 1, 2000)– Department of Environmental and Territory Engineering and Chemical Engineering, University of Calabria.
Coordinator of Research Doctorate in “Hydraulic Engineering for Environment and Territory.
Author of 121 papers on national and international journals and conferences.
The main research activities refer to the following areas:
mathematical flood modeling; overland flow; dam breach floods; influence of surface drainage systems on urban flooding; pedestrian hazard criteria for flooded urban areas.
He is referee for Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Hydraulic Research (IAHR), Environmental Engineering Science, Journal of Hydro-environment Research (Elsevier).
Scientific Head of the research project “Hydraulic modelling of flood event due to heavy rainfalls” (agreement with CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change)).
Scientific coordinator of numerous research projects, including the following ones:
Scientific Director of the Project (POR Calabria 2000-2006) “Methodologies for the determination of areas prone to flooding risk”, in partnership with University of Pavia, CUDAM (University of Trento), OGS (Trieste).
Scientific Head of Research Unit within project “PRIN 2005 – Flood propagation in complex topography.
Scientific Head of an operating unit of the research project “The use of GIS structures in the management and protection of groundwater resources”..
Scientific Head of the research project “Study of potential mud flows in the Sarno area for prevention purposes” (agreement with the Government Head for the Hydrogeological Emergency in Campania Region).
Emeritus member of the Italian Hydrotechnical Association (A.I.I.);
Member of National Association of Environmental Engineering (ANDIS);
Member of the Italian Hydraulic Group (GII);
Member of the International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR).
Francesco Macchione is currently full professor (from July, 1, 2000) in Hydraulic Works, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology at the University of Calabria (Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering), where currently teaches courses in Flood Risk Analysis and Management and Hydraulic Works for Sustainable Development of the Territory in the Master’s Degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering.
From 1992 until 2000 he served as Associated Professor in the Department of Soil Defence, Faculty of Engineering, University of Calabria and he taught courses of Hydraulic Protection of the Territory (1992-2000), Aqueducts and Sewer Networks (1994-1997), Hydraulic works (1996-2000).
Member of the Board of Professors of the SIACE Doctoral School at University of Calabria (from 2013 to date).
Member of the Board of Professors of the Doctoral School of “Hydraulic Engineering for Environment and Territory and supervisor of numerous doctoral theses; among these, he was scientific head of an agreement for doctoral research between Univesity of Calabria and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) – Spain (2006) on “Design of surface drainage systems according to safety criteria related to flooding of urban areas”.
He was a member of the Board of Professors of the Doctoral School in Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Reggio Calabria in consortium with University of Calabria and University of Catania (1997-1999).
He was Head of the “Phenomena of propagation of floods and debris and earth flows” sector of the 2nd level University Master in Mathematical Modeling of Hydrogeological Disasters; member of the Strategic Steering Committee; teacher of the cycle of lectures on “Delimitation of areas flooded by catastrophic events”. (2003-2005).
From 1984 until 1992 he served as a researcher at the Department of Soil Defence, University of Calabria.
From 2009 to 2015 he served as Chair of the Council of the inter-University PhD Program in “Hydraulic Engineering for Environment and Territory” (associated universities: University of Calabria, Polytechnic of Bari, University of Basilicata).
In 2014 he co-founded the Doctoral School in Science and Engineering of the Environment, Construction and Energy of the University of Calabria in which, currently, he is a member of the Academic Board.
In 2012 he co-founded the new Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, in which he serves as Decano.
In 2009 he promoted, with other colleagues, a reform of the governance of the Faculty of Engineering and he was elected as Chair of the Teaching Commission.
He was a member of the Council of the Master’s Degree in Geo-Topographic and Cartographic Sciences as representative of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
From 2003 to 2009 he served as Chair of Sub-Program of the Graduate School for Secondary Teaching (SSIS) and Member of the Council of the School.
From 1998 to 2003 he served as Deputy Director of the Soil Defence Department.
He was elected for many times as member of the Board of the Department of Soil Defence.
He is Chair of the annual Italian Conference on Integrated River Baasin Management that have been held since 1980 (University of Calabria) and he is Editor of Proceeding Volumes.
In 2002 he founded LaMPIT laboratory (Laboratorio di Modellistica numerica per la Protezione Idraulica del Territorio – Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Flood Risk Management) that is a research group belonging to the University of Calabria, of which he has been scientific head from the beginning.
The main research activities refer to the following areas.
Mathematical flood modelling with particular reference to rapidly varying flows. In this context, he worked on the advanced numerical schemes for the integration of the free surface unsteady flow equations with reference to both 1D and 2D situations; he focused the attention on flood propagation over complex geometries and urban areas.
Flood generation due to dam failures. He focused the attention on the mathematical modelling of dam breach floods; in particular, he proposed several methods able to provide the flood hydrograph starting from breach widening processes.
He has served as referee for Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Hydraulic Research (IAHR), Environmental Engineering Science (Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publisher, USA), Journal of Hydro-environment Research (Elsevier), Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier), Journal of Flood Risk Management (CIWEM), Nature Communications (Nature Publishing Group), Environment Modelling and Software (Elsevier), etc.
He is the author of more than 150 publications in journals and conferences in the field of hydraulic engineering.
In the following, a short list of some research activities carried out over the years is reported.
From 2021 to date: Scientific Head in the operational agreement for technical-scientific collaboration between the Southern Apennine District Basin Authority and the Department of Environmental Engineering (University of Calabria)
2019-2022 – Associate Investigator in the Relevant National Interest Project PRIN 2017 (2019) “ Renaissance of Large Italian Dams (RELAID)”
2011- 2019 Associate Investigator Progetto PON SILA (Sistema Integrato Laboratori per l’Ambiente)– PON a3_00341°
2010-2011 – Principal Investigator of the POR Calabria Project 2000-2006 “Methodologies for identifying areas subject to hydraulic flooding risk”, in collaboration with the CUDAM (University of Trento), the University of Pavia and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics – OGS (Trieste).
2006-2009 – Associate Investigator for flood risk analysis in the Supercomputing Center for Computational Engineering (CESIC Centro di Supercalcolo per l’Ingegneria Computazionale) Progetto PON Ricerca 2000-2006 Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca in the Supercomputing Center for Computational Engineering (NEC Italia s.r.l. – Università della Calabria)).
2007-2009 – Scientific Head of the research project “Hydraulic modelling of flood event due to heavy rainfalls” (agreement between CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change) and the Department of Soil Defence).
2005-2008 – Associate Investigator in the Relevant National Interest Project PRIN2005 “The dynamics of floods in rough topography environments”
2003 – 2005 – Scientific Head for the research project “Study of potential mud flows in the Sarno area for the purposes of prevention” (Agreement between the Department of Soil Defence of the University of Calabria and the Government Commissariat for Hydrogeological Emergency in the Campania region).
1999 – 2001 – Principal Investigator of the research project POP 1994/99 Calabria Region on “Artificial floods in watercourses downstream of dams”.
1997 – 1998 – Principal Investigator for the “Study on the state of water bodies within the Aspromonte National Park” (Agreement between the Aspromonte National Park Authority and the University of Calabria – Department of Soil Defence (1997-98).
Associate Investigator in the research project ex 40% - 1996 “The use of GIS structures in the management and protection of underground water resources”.
Member of research unit in the former 40% Project “Climate and anthropogenic effects on hydrological processes”.
Member of the National Group for the Defence from Hydrological and Geological Disasters (CNR-GNDCI) – Line 1: Prediction of hydrological extreme events and their relative management.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Italian Group of Hydraulics (GII), scientific society of the scientific-disciplinary sector “Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Maritime Constructions”
Emeritus Member of the Italian Hydro-technical Association (A.I.I.).
Member of the National Association of Sanitary-Environmental Engineering (ANDIS).
Member of the Italian Hydraulic Group (GII).
Member of the International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR).
Secretary of the Calabrian Section of the Italian Hydro-technical Association since 1992.
Member of the Council of the Aqueducts and Sewerage Studies Center – University of Calabria
Bibliometric indicators:
total number of publications in peer-review journals: 32
total number of citations: 847
H index: 18
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- Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente - (DIAm)
- Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente - (DIAm)
- francesco.macchione@unical.it
- 0984/496558
Reception Hours
Venerdì dalle 11:30 alle 12:30 su appuntamento, da prenotarsi all'indirizzo francesco.macchione@unical.it