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Natale ARCURI - Professori Ordinari


Professori Ordinari

Fisica tecnica ambientale (IIND-07/B)

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Natale Arcuri was born in Rossano (CS), Italy, on 01-01-1961. He graduated with a specialist degree in Engineering (MSc), at the University of Calabria. He has been employed at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Calabria as teacher and researcher fellow since 1992. He assumed the role a Researcher of Environmental Technical Physics on 16th December 1997 and from 1st January 2005 he became Associate Professor in the same field (ING/IND-11). In April 2017 he obtained the national qualification to assume the grade of Full Professor in Environmental Technical Physics (sector 09/C2 Fisica Tecnica e Ingegneria Nucleare) . He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers published in both national and international journals treating the following themes: analysis of the thermal behavior of buildings, active and passive solar systems, solar plant components modelling, analysis of solar radiation data, building energy saving and integration of renewable energies, innovative air-conditioning plants, radiant systems, “Solar Cooling” technologies, green systems for indoor and outdoor climate mitigation, energy saving in buildings by means of phase change materials, low energy consumption buildings. He is a member of ISES and AICARR and is a member of the executive council of IBPSA-Italy. He has been responsible for the creation of experimental plants at the University of Calabria on his research topics. Currently, he is involved in regional and national projects, also as coordinator.
Natale Arcuri was born in Rossano (CS), Italy, on 01-01-1961. He graduated with a specialist degree in Engineering (MSc), at the University of Calabria. He has been employed at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Calabria as teacher and researcher fellow since 1992. He assumed the role a Researcher of Environmental Technical Physics on 16th December 1997 and from 1st January 2005 he became Associate Professor in the same field (ING/IND-11). In April 2017 he obtained the national qualification to assume the grade of Full Professor in Environmental Technical Physics (sector 09/C2 Fisica Tecnica e Ingegneria Nucleare) . He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers published in both national and international journals treating the following themes: analysis of the thermal behavior of buildings, active and passive solar systems, solar plant components modelling, analysis of solar radiation data, building energy saving and integration of renewable energies, innovative air-conditioning plants, radiant systems, “Solar Cooling” technologies, green systems for indoor and outdoor climate mitigation, energy saving in buildings by means of phase change materials, low energy consumption buildings. He is a member of ISES and AICARR and is a member of the executive council of IBPSA-Italy. He has been responsible for the creation of experimental plants at the University of Calabria on his research topics. Currently, he is involved in national projects, also as coordinator, in particular he was responsible for the preparation of Area B - CONSUMPTION OF RESOURCES of the "Itaca Calabria Protocol", realized in ambit of the PROJECT P.A.R.C.O. "CALABRIA REGIONAL HOUSING POLICIES - OBSERVATORY, assigned by the Department 9 - LL.PP. and Calabria Region Infrastructures at the University of Calabria and at the Mediterranean University of RC Period: from 27/02/2014 to 27/04/2018; Regarding the scientific projects financed by POR Calabria 2014-2020, TRAJECTORY I - Promotion of research and innovation, he is the coordinator behalf the University of Calabria Scientific Unit of the following projects: - "R-wine (RFID-tracking wine)" Wine Identification Network Engineering "; Budget project: € 719,000.00; UNICAL Budget: € 289,000.00; - "Sustainable Wooden and Energy Efficient HOUSE in the Mediterranean - SWEET HoMe"; Budget project: € 694.676,00; UNICAL Budget: € 265,000.00; - "Innovative solutions for the FORSU (organic urban waste) treatment: BMP assessment and optimization in the pre-treatment phase"; Budget project: € 760,000.00; UNICAL Budget: € 260,000.00; - "GLAMOR: multi-interface enabling devices iOt with green learning and adaptive through social interactions"; Budget project: € 610,000.00; UNICAL Budget: € 130,000.00; Regarding the 2014/2020 National Business and Competitiveness Operational Program, he is the scientific manager for some of the Implementation Objectives of the "Innovative Building Envelope through Smart Technology _ I-BEST" project; project start date 28/02/2018; Draft budget: € 3.296.650,28. In the past, at national level he was involved as manager for some of the activities in the project Projects of National Prominence (PRIN) in 1997, 2000, 2003 and 2008. Regarding past scientific activities financed at European level, he was involved in the following programs: - Leonardo da Vinci “European Energy Network” measure 2004 Protocol I/04/B/F/PP-154062; from the 1st of November 2004 to the 30th of October 2007 as Scientific manager for the University of Calabria; - European Project “Europe-China Clean Energy Centre”, Europe-Aid ID: IT-2007-CRP-2711149049; Reference: EUROPEAID/128591/L/ACT/CN which started in March 2010 with a duration of five years. With reference to the past National Operative Programme for Research and Competitiveness 2007/2013: -he was referent behalf the University of Calabria for the Industrial Research project PON03PE_00050_1 "Intelligent platform for monitoring and managing the in-home security of people and facilities". Project Budget € 4.999.998,95 - UNICAL Budget € 1.323.807,26. Period: September 2013 - June 2017; - he was referent behalf the University of Calabria Unit for the Industrial Research project PON03PE_00050_2 "Domotic Systems for the Cooperative Energy Brokerage Service". Project Budget € 5.000.001,00 - UNICAL Budget € 2.092.523,70. Period: September 2013 - June 2017; - he was scientific manager of the University of Calabria for the Industrial Research project PON01_02061 "Project of a complete advanced energy system, based on the mass culture of micro-algae in transparent photo-bioreactors for production, in conditions of competitiveness and eco-sustainability, of energy from renewable sources and other products ". Project Budget € 4.909.658,00 - UNICAL Budget € 488.350. Period: October 2011 - March 2015; - has was scientific manager of the University of Calabria for the Industrial Research project PON01_01366 "New Low Impact Environmental Process and Reduced Operational Risk for the Recovery and Recycling of the Leading Batteries' constituent materials". Project Budget € 7.324.428,95 - UNICAL Budget € 680.390,00. Period: December 2011 - December 2015; - he developed some Implementation Objectives of the Industrial Research project PON01_02543 "Integrated and sustainable management of the water-energy cycle in drainage systems". Period: October 2011 - March 2015. Regarding to the past POR Calabria 2007-2013: - has was scientific manager of the University of Calabria for the research project "Improvement of the electrical performance of photovoltaic generators - IMPV", Budget Project € 613.874,50 - UNICAL Budget € 184.874,50. Period: September 2014 - December 2015. Other scientific activities undertaken: - he has collaborated in the research activities foreseen in the C.3 project "Use of solar and environmental heat for air conditioning", entitled "DEVELOPMENT OF SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS TO ESTABLISH, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EFFECTIVE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY, LE THRESHOLD OF INITIAL COST OF THE VARIOUS COMPONENTS CONSTITUENT THE EXPERIMENTAL PLANTS FOR HEAT PUMP AD R744 ", within the collaboration agreement between the national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development (ENEA) and the Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering (DIMEG) of the University of Calabria. Period: from 10/1/2012 to 9/15/2013; - he collaborated on the EOLAMP Project, COD 31, winner of the tender for the funding of research projects aimed for the promotion of energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources in urban areas (GU 299 of 23_12_2008), issued by the Ministry of the Environment and of the protection of the Territory and of the Sea, admitted to financing with DD DRS-DEC-2010-0001760 of 23_12_2010 and started in February 2011.
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