Massimo LA DEDA
Professori Associati
Chimica generale e inorganica (CHEM-03/A)
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- massimo.ladeda@unical.it
- 0984/492887
- 0984 492074
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Massimo La Deda is currently Researcher of Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of the University of Calabria and member of the Nanotec Institute of Italian National Council of Researches (CNR). He received his first degree (Laurea) in Chemistry from the University of Bologna in 1997 under the supervision of Prof. V. Balzani and Prof. G. Venturoli. In 1999, he started the Ph.D. at University of Calabria, under the supervision of Prof. M. Ghedini, and, in 2002, he received there the Ph.D. in Chemical Science. Since 2005, he is Researcher of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Calabria. He is member of the Board of Directors of the Distretto Matelios (Consortium for the development of innovative materials and technologies for the exploitation of solar and wind power). His research interests are focused on the photophysical characterization of luminescent coordination compounds for application in material science (MOLEDs, liquid crystals, bioinorganic), and on the synthesis and characterization of metallic nanoparticles exhibiting plasmonic properties, for application in advanced materials for energy saving and biomedicine. The techniques he has used range from steady-state and time-dependent fluorescence to polarized emission spectroscopy. Synthetic methods include sol-gel synthesis of colloidal gold. He has authored and co-authored almost 70 articles in ISI peer-reviewed scientific journal, two international patents and more than 100 scientific communications at conferences. At University of Calabria from the Academic Year 2005-06 until now he was been Assistant Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry courses, and of Inorganic Photochemistry course. For the commercial exploitation of its patents, in 2010 he founded a high-tech start-up company active in the development of an electrochromic smart window. The actual bibliometric values (2017) are h-index = 22, >1400 citations, (WOS source).
Massimo La Deda was born in 1971 in Catanzaro, Italy. He received his first degree (Laurea) in Chemistry from the University of Bologna in 1997: the final thesis was in Photochemistry (“Electron Transfer Kinetic Studies in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers”) under the supervision of Prof. V. Balzani and Prof. G. Venturoli. After an INFM fellowship, in 1999 started the Ph.D. at University of Calabria, under the supervision of Prof. M. Ghedini, and in 2002 he received there the Ph.D. in Chemical Science defending a thesis entitled “New metal containing materials for applications in Light Emission Diodes". From 2002 to 2004 he worked, with an INSTM fellowship and with an “Assegno di Ricerca”, in the Laboratory of Inorganic and Coordination Chemistry (Department of Chemistry - University of Calabria). Since 2005 he is Researcher of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Calabria. He is member of the Doctorate Programme in Inorganic Chemistry Methods and an active member of the “Centro di Eccellenza MIUR CEMIF.CAL” and of the Calabria branch of the INSTM (National Institute for the Material Science and Technology), LaSCaMM (Laboratory for the Synthesis and Characterization of Molecular Materials based on Organometallic Structures). His research interests are focused on the photophysical characterization of luminescent coordination compounds for application in material science (MOLEDs, liquid crystals, bioinorganic),synthesis and photophysical characterization of gold nanoparticles with silica shell embedding organometallic dyes for singlet oxygen generation (Photodynamic therapy), applications in plasmonics and metamaterials fabrication. The techniques he has used range from steady-state and time-dependent fluorescence to polarized emission spectroscopy. From his research, he has authored and co-authored almost 60 articles in ISI peer-reviewed scientific journal, two patents and more than 70 scientific communications at conferences.
At University of Calabria from the Academic Year 2005-06 until now he was been Assistant Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry courses,and Inorganic Photochemistry.
Dottorato di Ricerca (PhD equivalent): Chemistry, University of Calabria, 2002
Dissertation: New metal containing materials for applications in Light Emission Diodes
Supervisor: Prof. M. Ghedini
Laurea (MA equivalent): Chemistry, University of Bologna, 1997
Dissertation: Electron Transfer Kinetic Studies in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers
Supervisors: Prof. V. Balzani, Prof. G. Venturoli
PERMANENT POSITION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALABRIA: Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
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- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- massimo.ladeda@unical.it
- 0984/492887
- 0984 492074