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Luigino FILICE - Professori Ordinari

Luigino FILICE

Professori Ordinari

Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione (IIND-04/A)

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Luigino FILICE was graduated with honours in Management Engineering in 1995 at the University of Calabria (Italy). In 1996 he started his PhD course in Production Engineering at the University of Palermo where, in 2000, he discussed a PhD thesis focused on the analysis and prediction of defects occurring in some forming processes. From December 2013 Luigino FILICE is Full Professor of Manufacturing at the University of Calabria. The main research fields are the numerical investigation of the forming processes, the analysis of innovative production processes, according to sustainability. He is co-author of more then 200 papers published in international journals or in the proceedings of conferences. In 2007 was awarded by European Scientific Association for Material Forming for "the outstanding contribution to material forming processes". Luigino FILICE is also involved in several research projects supported by the Italian Government and mechanical industries. He served as vice president of the Italian Association of Mechanical Technology and as vice-rector of the University of Calabria, delegate to the Residencial Center.
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