Professori Associati
Chimica fisica (CHEM-02/A)
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- lg.coppola@unical.it
- 0984/492023
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Coppola Luigi was born in Naples in 1961. B.A. in Chemistry (1987), PhD in Physical Chemistry (1992) at the University of Calabria .
1993, holder of a CNR fellowships and of a postdoc-position at the department of Physical Chemistry 1, Lund-University (Sweden);
1994-Researcher at the Science Faculty of the University of Calabria;
2000-Associate Professor of “Experimental Physical Chemistry” at the Science Faculty of the University of Calabria where is, actually, involved in courses like Electrochemistry and Colloid Science. Member of IACIS, IUPAC, SCI as well as of the NMR, Physical Chemistry and Calorimetry divisions. EU-COST member from 1998, now he is attending as expert researcher to some COST Actions (Surface-Chemistry) with the collaboration of several European Universities.
As young scientist he was interested in the study of specific properties of matter, as molecular motion in liquid crystals, phase transitions and mechanism of diffusion in self-organised systems by means of NMR technique. Besides his interest on the characterization of lyotropic liquid crystalline mesophases, the recent research activity includes studies of phase equilibria in ternary and quaternary systems like surfactant/water/oil/polymer mixtures. Recently he is involved in a collaboration with the Physical-Chemistry 1 of the Department of Lund (Sweden) in order to define new rheological methods to study the mechanical properties of complex fluids.
2002-2004 Local coordinator of Prin Project (Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’Università e della ricerca):”Structure and dynamics in surfactant/polymer mixed systems by NMR and Rheology”.
2004-2006 Local coordinator of Prin Project (Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’Università e della ricerca):” Vesicle-Polymer Gels for environmental friendly applications and development of Rheo-NMR methods for a structural characterization of non-Newtonian fluids”.
Author of over 75 papers in International Journal on Colloid Chemistry, particularly on (a) self-diffusion in lyotropic mesophases, (b) phase equilibria and phase transitions and (c) rheology of polymer-surfactant systems. Has given more than 35 invited lectures in Universities and research Institution in Italy and abroad.
A CV and list of publications is available at the web site: http://chimica.unical.it/staff/coppola.html
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- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- lg.coppola@unical.it
- 0984/492023