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Isabella NICOTERA - Professori Associati


Professori Associati

Chimica fisica (CHEM-02/A)

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ISABELLA NICOTERA is Associate professor (Academic Discipline: Physical Chemistry), at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (CTC), University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy. In 1998 she obtained a degree in Chemistry, cum laude, at the University of Calabria, and the Ph.D. in "Chemical Sciences" in 2002 at the same University with a thesis entitled "Development and characterization of solid polymer electrolytes for lithium battery technology". She spent almost 1 year in 2000 at the Centre for Materials Research, School of Physics, University of Kent, Canterbury (UK). From 2003 to 2007 she was Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Calabria, with a one-year break, 2005/2006, as Postdoctoral Research Associate at the "Solid-State NMR" laboratory, Hunter College, CUNY (City University of New York), NY, USA. From 2008 to 2016 she was Researcher (Physical Chemistry) at the Dept. of Chemistry, University of Calabria. She has been teaching various courses since 2004. In recent years she has been teaching in the following courses: Physical Chemistry (9 CFU) and Electrochemistry and transport phenomena (6 CFU). Currently, she is the supervisor of 1 RTDA, 1 post-doc, 1 research fellowship, and 1 PhD student. Her research activity mainly focuses on the development of advanced materials in the environment and energy: (i) materials and solid polymeric electrolytes for applications in PEMFCs and lithium batteries; (ii) Nanostructured materials for CO2 storage; (iii) Multinuclear NMR spectroscopy (PFG, Imaging, MAS, relaxometry) and its applications in structural and kinetic studies. The last funded research projects in which is involved and is working are (i) PON-Project (ARS01_01259) “Community Energy Storage " – ComESto; (ii) M-ERA.NET 2019 “Innovative nanostructured materials and smart textile electrodes for new generation of batteries and supercapacitors” – INNENERMAT; (iii) FISR2019_01294 AMPERE.
CURRICULUM VITAE Isabella NICOTERA PERSONAL INFORMATION Family name, First name: Nicotera, Isabella Date of birth: March 04, 1973 Nationality: Italian URL for web site: Researcher unique identifiers ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4411-0573; SCOPUS ID: 6603643288 EDUCATION  1998: Laurea Summa cum Laude in Chemistry, University of Calabria.  1999/2002: PhD in Chemical Science, University of Calabria. Title of dissertation "Development and characterization of solid polymer electrolytes for lithium battery technology".  2000: PhD research period (six months) at the Centre for Materials Research, School of Physics, University of Kent, Canterbury (UK). CURRENT POSITION - Associate professor (Academic Discipline: Area 03 – Chemistry, CHIM/02- Physical Chemistry), Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (Dept. CTC), University of Calabria (UNICAL). - Responsible of the research laboratory PCAM-Lab (Physical Chemistry and Applied Materials Laboratory). PREVIOUS POSITIONS 2008-2017 Researcher (Academic Discipline: Area 03 – Chemistry, CHIM/02- Physical Chemistry), Dept. CTC - UNICAL FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS - 2000 PhD research period at the Centre for Materials Research, School of Physics, University of Kent, Canterbury (UK). 2003/2007 Postdoctoral Researcher at Dept. CTC - UNICAL. - 2005/2006 Postdoctoral Research Associate at Department of Physics, Hunter College, CUNY (City University of New York), NY, USA. - 2014 Visiting Researcher (3 months) at Department of Physics, Hunter College, CUNY (City University of New York), NY, USA. - 2020 (1-6 July) Visiting Professor (Erasmus + program) to University of Coimbra for teaching to Bachelor; Master and Doctoral students. RESEARCH Prof. Isabella Nicotera is responsible of the PCAM-Lab (Physical Chemistry and Applied Materials Laboratory). Her main research topic concerns the Energetics sector, specifically materials for conversion and electrochemical energy storage devices, with particular reference to hydrogen and lithium (fuel cells, electrolyzers, batteries). The scientific knowledge focuses on the synthesis and evaluation of new materials, hybrid and nano-structured, aimed at the development of polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells and for solid state batteries and for catalysts/electrodes. MAIN BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA She is co-author of over 100 publications on international refereed journals, 3 chapters of books and over 80 contributions to national and international Conferences (several invited talk). Bibliometric data (from Scopus, on March 2021): h-index 26, citations: 2170. REASERCH PROJECTS (in the last 10 years)  2011-2014: PON-APQ (cod. PON01_01840), Participant in the project "Program of Renewable Energy and Micro-Cogeneration for Agro-Industry – Microperla”.  2013-2015: PRIN Unit Responsible "Advanced nanocomposite membranes and innovative electrocatalysts for durable polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, NAMED-PEM".  2012-2014: Project "PONa3_00370 - Participant in the project “Materials, Technologies and Advanced Research” – MaTeRiA.  2018-2020: Participant in the project “Sorgente Thomson Backscattering per la ricerca applicata nel sud Europa” - STAR_2.  2018-2021: PON-Project 2018-2021 (ARS01_01259) Participant in the project “Community Energy Storage " – ComESto.  2010-2021: PON-Project (ARS01_00682) Participant in the project “ARES - Robotica autonoma per la nave estesa”.  2020-2023: M-ERA.NET 2019 Unit Responsible for the project “Innovative nanostructured materials and smart textile electrodes for new generation of batteries and supercapacitors” – INNENERMAT.  2020-2022: FISR2019_01294, Participant in the project “Membrane alcaline e catalizzatori privi di metalli del gruppo del platino per dispositivi elettrochimici aperti di nuova generazione per l'immagazzinamento e la conversione di energia” – AMPERE. TEACHING ACTIVITIES She has been teaching for various courses since 2004 at the University of Calabria. In recent years he has been teaching in the following courses: - Chimica Fisica (9 CFU) (CdS –Triennale in Scienza dei Materiali Innovativi e per le Nanotecnologie- Dip Fisica, UNICAL); - Materiali e Dispositivi per l’energia (6 CFU) (CdS Magistrale in Chimica-, UNICAL) She is tutor for numerous Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis in Chemistry and Materials Science. SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS In the last 10 years she was the scientific coordinator of 6 PhD students (from XXV to XXXVI cycle) and several postdoctoral fellows on themes concerning materials for energy conversion and saving, in particular PEMFCs and Li-batteries. Currently, she is the supervisor of 1 RTDA, 1 post-doc, 1 research fellowship and 1 PhD student. INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES  2012/13: Commission Member for the first Re-examination Report of the Degree in Chemistry at UNICAL. 2013/14: Research Commission Member at Dept. CTC – UNICAL. 2016/17: Departmental board member (membro di giunta) at Dept. CTC – UNICAL.  2008-2012: Academic Board Member of the Doctoral School in Science and Technology “Bernardino Telesio", UNICAL.  Since 2013: Academic Board Member of the Doctoral School of Science and Physical, Chemical and Materials Technologies, UNICAL.  Since 2020: Member of the “16 exclusive teachers” College of the Doctoral School of Science and Physical, Chemical and Materials Technologies, UNICAL.  2018-current: Research Commission Member at Dept. CTC – UNICAL.  2020 Commission Member for the Re-examination Report (Rapporto di Riesame) of the Degree in Material Science, Dept. of Physics, UNICAL.  Since 2021: Delegate to Public Engagement and Third Mission for Dept. CTC – UNICAL.  Since 2021: PQA (Presidio Qualità di Ateneo) Member for Dept. CTC – UNICAL. COMMISSIONS OF TRUST • 2010: Member of the Examining Commission for the 25th cycle of the PhD School in Science and Technology Bernardino Telesio. • 2013-October: Member of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 post-doc research grant (SSD Chim02) for the PRIN-2010 “NAMED-PEM” project. • 2014-October: Member of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 post-doc research grant (SSD Chim02) for the "Microperla" PON-project. • 2015-October: Member of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 post-doc research grant (SSD Chim02) at Dept. CTC-UNICAL. • 2016-December: Member of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 post-doc research grant (SSD Chim02) at Dept. CTC-UNICAL. • 2018-December: President of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 post-doc research grant (SSD Chim02) PON-project “ComESto”, at CTC-UNICAL. • 2020-December: President of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 post-doc research grant (SSD Chim02) MeRanet-project “INNENERMAT”, at CTC-UNICAL. • 2020-December: President of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 fellowship research grant MeRanet-project “INNENERMAT”, at CTC-UNICAL. • 2021-April: Member of the Selection Committee for the dissertation for the PhD in "Civil and Industrial Engineering" - XXXIII cycle, at the University of Calabria. • 2021-Oct/Dec: Member of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 RTDA position (SSD Chim02) at CTC-UNICAL. • 2021-Oct/Dec: Member of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 RTDA position (SSD Chim02) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. • 2021-Oct/Dec: Member of the Examining Commission for the selection of n. 1 RTDB position (SSD Chim02) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia. • 2022: Member of the Selection Committee for the dissertation for the PhD in “Scienza e Nanotecnologia dei Materiali” Università Milano-Bicocca. MEMBERSHIPS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES - Member of the interuniversity Consortium on Materials Science and Technology (INSTM). - Member of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI): division of Physical Chemistry, Division of Electrochemistry and Interdivisional Group of Chemistry for Renewable Energies - ENERCHEM. - Member of the Italian Group for Electrochemical Energy Storage - GISEL ( - Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry. ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS  Delegate of the Electrochemical Division at the XXV National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI 2014), 7-12 September 2014, Rende (CS).  Member of the organizing committee of the Symposium E2 "Batteries and Supercapacitors" at the European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials (EUROMAT-2017), 17-22 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.  Member of the scientific committee for the E-MRS fall meeting, symposium on “BATTERY AND ENERGY STORAGE DEVICES”.  Member of the Scientific Committee for the First Italian workshop on Energy Storage (virtual meeting on online platforms) organized by GISEL. February 24-26, 2021.  Member of the Scientific Committee for the “Italian Virtual Workshop on Fuel Cells”, March 16-19, 2021.  Member of the Scientific Committee for the XIII Convegno Nazionale INSTM, Sestriere (TO), Italy. January 23-26, 2022. EDITORIAL BOARD ACTIVITIES - Advisor Editorial Board for the Journal “Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy”, Springer ( - Editorial Board Members for Applied Science (MDPI) and Editor for the Special Issue "Advanced Materials for PEM-Based Fuel Cell Systems". - Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Electrochemistry, specialty section of Frontiers in Chemistry. PEER-REVIEWER activities  She performs peer review activities for numerous international journals  She performed peer review activities for research funding applications: - Estonian Research Council (2020) - Call for projects IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes-Cross Disciplinary Program (CDP) – 2017 - Call FARE Ricerca in Italia: Framework per l’attrazione ed il rafforzamento delle eccellenze per la Ricerca in Italia (2021).
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