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University of CalabriaHRS4R
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Carmelina COSTANZO - Professori Associati

Carmelina COSTANZO

Professori Associati

Costruzioni idrauliche e marittime e idrologia (CEAR-01/B)

Reception Hours

Orario di Ricevimento : martedì dalle 9:30 alle 11:30 (è preferibile fissare l'appuntamento tramite e-mail

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EMPLOYMENT HISTORY From October 2007 to today - Assistant Professor at University of Calabria- Department of Environmental Engineering ICAR/02 Hydraulic Structures, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology. In July 2020 she has the National Scientific Qualification to function as Associate Professor, ICAR/02 Hydraulic Structures, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology. From December 2006 to October 2007 - Senior engineer for NEC in the Supercomputing Centre for Computational Engineering (CESIC), a joint NEC-UniCAL initiative, participating in Work Package about the hydraulic protection of territory using HPC techniques. From 2003 to October 14, 2007 - Employed as senior engineer in the technical department of the Calabria Department of public works and house policies. EDUCATION 2005- Ph.D. degree in Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering at University of Calabria The research is a performance of some two dimensional numerical schemes for modelling environmental problems involving unsteady flows in waterways. The purpose is to develop adequate numerical solvers, capable of determining the important features, from an engineering point of view, produced by flood propagation. 2001- M.Sc. (cum laude) in Environmental Engineering, University of Calabria. Degree thesis entitled: "Two dimensional finite volume model for unsteady free surface flows in areas with irregular topography”. TEACHING ACTIVITIES Lecturer: From 2017 to today – “Dynamics of Slope and Fluvial Processes” in the MSc in Environmental Engineering at UniCAL. 9 CFU 70 hours/year of teaching. From 2020 to today – “Hydraulic Protection of the Territory and River Protection” - Module “Hydraulic Protection of the Territory” – course of SIACE Ph.D. School at UniCAL. 2 CFU, 5 hours/year of teaching. Assistant Lecturer: 2005-2020 -Course “Hydraulic Protection of the Territory” in MSc in Environmental Engineering at UniCAL; 2016-2020 -Course “Hydraulic Works” in MSc in Environmental Engineering at UniCAL. Student Supervision 2 Ph.D. theses. more than 20 M. Sc. Theses PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION July 2020 - National Scientific Qualification to function as Associate Professor, ICAR/02 Hydraulic Structures, Maritime Engineering and Hydrology. ISTITUTIONAL RESPONSABILITIES 2020-now -Member of the Ph.D. School in Environmental, Construction and Energy Sciences and Engineering (SIACE) at UniCAL. 2021-2022-Member of the Commission to evaluate the students of the Ph.D. School in Environmental, Construction and Energy Sciences and Engineering (SIACE) at UniCAL. 2021 - Member of the Commission for the achievement of the title of Ph.D. Degree in Design, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering at the University of Pavia. 2021- Member of the Commission “UNICAL-Admission” - Admission of international students to the graduate courses Master's degree related to the Department of Environmental Engineering. 2019-2022 Member of the Commission for Admission of students to the graduate courses Master's degree related to the Department of Environmental Engineering. 2012-2013 Member of the committee for professional engineering practice exam at the University of Calabria; 2007-2012 Member of the doctoral school in Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering at the University of Calabria. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES EGU (member -, GII (member -, AII ( RESEARCH PROJECTS Principal Investigator: 2021-now- Project “EHYMOD - Environmental HYdrauLic MODelling” - Italian Super Computing Resource Allocation – CINECA; 2020-2021- Project “BAFLOHA - BAsin scale FLOod Hazard Assessment”- Italian Super Computing Resource Allocation – CINECA; Member Team: from May 2019 to December 2020- Pole of Innovation for Sustainable Building “Green Home” -CUP AZIONE 1.1.4: J23D14001830005 (participant); from September 2019 to April 2020 –RAFAEL -System for Risk Analysis and Forecast for Critical Infrastructures in the AppenninEs dorsaL Regions - ARS01_00305 - PON 2014-2020 e FSC funding programs (participant); 2019- 2020 -REnaissance of LArge Italian Dams (RELAID)”- PRIN 2017 funding program, Project Code 2017T4JC5K_005 - ( (participant); 2010-2012: “Methodologies for the determination of areas prone to flooding risk”, in partnership with University of Pavia, CUDAM (University of Trento), the “Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS” (Trieste) – POR Calabria 2000-2006 funding- (partecipant); 2007-2009: "Mathematical modelling of flood event due to heavy rains" Scientific Agreement between CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change) and Unical. It is a facility of scientific research that aim to deepen our knowledge in the field of climate change, its causes and consequences, by developing numerical simulations of global models of the Earth System as well as regional models. (participant). 2007-2008: Project PON 2000-2006 “CESIC (Supercomputing Centre for Computational Engineering)”. Work Package “Hydraulic Protection of Territory”. These research activities aim to give an important contribution to numerical models for flood propagation through the use of high performance computing techniques - (participant); 2005-2007: "Flood propagation on complex topography" - PRIN 2005 funding program (participant). EDITORIAL POSITIONS 2020 -now- Editor of the special issue “Advances in Flow Modeling for Water Resources and Hydrological Engineering” in Hydrology Journal. Reviewer of these journals: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of Hydrology; Sensors; Applied Sciences; Landslides; Water; Hydrology. INVITED PRESENTATION February 2022 – Invitation to hold the Lesson " Hydraulic Protection of Territory and Water Protection - Regulatory Aspects" in the Course "Sustainable cities and communities: environment, urban planning, water and sustainable mobility" organized by the Council of the Crotone Bar Association with the contribution of the Cassa Forense and the didactic and scientific collaboration of the Higher School of Sciences of the Public Administration of the University of Calabria, at the Court of Crotone. RESEARCH INTERESTS The research activity concerns the implementation on High-Performance Computing platforms and the application of environmental hydrodynamic models. Initially, the focus was on numerical modelling, necessary for the study of flood propagation phenomena over large areas and complex topographies, aimed at a correct mathematical description of the phenomena. Subsequently, High-Performance Computing Codes based on the Rain-on-Grid methodology were implemented to assess the flood hazard due to a rainfall event over large areas. The models were also applied to analyze the effects of climate change in urban areas. Hydrodynamic models have also been applied in the agricultural sector for optimal water management in surface irrigation. In conclusion, the research activity concerns the formulation, development, and implementation on High-Performance Computing platforms of hydrodynamic models, aimed at the study of: - Flood propagation on complex topography. - High unsteady flood modeling over erodible beds. - River basin-scale flood hazard assessment due to rainfall event using Rain-on-Grid models. - Urban flooding generated by the insufficient capacity of the drainage system and the impact of Climate Change. - Flood risk communication via 3D environments - Optimal water management in agriculture for the surface irrigation BIBLIOMETRIC INDICATORS (Source: Scopus at 9 March 2022) Documents: 24, Citations: 377, H-Index: 11
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Reception Hours

Orario di Ricevimento : martedì dalle 9:30 alle 11:30 (è preferibile fissare l'appuntamento tramite e-mail