Francesco PLASTINA
Professori Ordinari
Fisica teorica della materia, modelli, metodi matematici e applicazioni (PHYS-04/A)
- Dipartimento di Fisica
- Dipartimento di Fisica
- francesco.plastina@fis.unical.it
- fracesco.plastina@fis.unical.it
- 0984/496046
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2012: visiting professor at the IFISC, Universitat Illes Balears (Palma de Majorca, Spain)
2008: visiting scientist at the dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku (Turku, Finland)
2004-present: Permanent Research associate at the Physics dep., Universita' della Calabria.
2003: visiting scientist at the Physics & Astronomy Department, State University of New York, Stony Brook (New York, USA).
2002 – 2003: post-doc fellowship at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (supervisor: prof. R. Fazio).
2001: Short term fellowship of the European Science Foundation, within the “Quantum information theory and quantum computation”, at the Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (Germany).
2001: visiting scientist at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul (South Korea)
2000 – 2001: post-doc fellowship at the University of Palermo (supervisor: prof. G. M. Palma).
31-1-2000: Phd in Physics at Università della Calabria (supervisors: Prof. F. Piperno and prof. G. Falcone).
24-7-1996: degree in Physics cum laude at Università della Calabria (supervisor: prof. F. Piperno).
2017: ASN habilitation as full professor for the sector 02/B2 - Theoretical Physics of Matter.
2015 - present: Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics at the Physics dept., Universita' della Calabria.
2015: ASN habilitation to full professor for the sector 02A2- Theoretical Physics of fundamental interactions.
2012: visiting professor at IFISC, Universitat Illes Balears (Palma de Majorca, Spain).
2008: visiting scientist at the dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku (Turku, Finland).
2004-2015: Permanent Research associate at the Physics dep., Universita' della Calabria.
2003: visiting scientist at the Physics & Astronomy Department, State University of New York, Stony Brook (New York, USA).
2002 – 2003: post-doc fellowship at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (supervisor: prof. R. Fazio).
2001: Short term fellowship of the European Science Foundation, within the “Quantum information theory and quantum computation”, at the Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (Germany).
2001: visiting scientist at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul (South Korea)
2000 – 2001: post-doc fellowship at the Universities of Palermo and Catania (supervisors: prof. G. M. Palma and prof. R. Fazio).
31-1-2000: Phd in Physics at Università della Calabria (supervisors: Prof. F. Piperno and prof. G. Falcone).
24-7-1996: degree in Physics cum laude at Università della Calabria (supervisor: prof. F. Piperno).
Research activity and main achievements
- A - Spin lattices:
1) Analysis of the propagation of entanglement in spin chains;
2) Study of Anderson-like localization of entanglement in the presence of defects in spin chains;
3) Proposals of set-up for local control of quantum information transmission and routing;
4) Characterization of quasi-long-range order and multi-partite correlations in finite size spin chains.
- B - Open quantum systems:
1) Study of the dynamics of entanglement in a lossy cavity and its protection via the Quantum Zeno effect.
2) Study of decoherence and Non-Markovian behavior induced by spin environments and, more generallu, by critical environments;
3) Solution of a decoherence model with fermion environment and description of the connection between non-Markovianity, Loschmidt echo and orthogonality catastrophe;
4) Introduction of a geometric quantifier for the non-Markovian behavior of an open quantum system;
- C - Fluctuation Relations and non-equilibrium thermodynamics
1) Study of fluctuation relations and work done in a local sudden quench performed on a Fermi gas;
2) Characterization of irreversible entropy production in adiabatic quantum processes;
3) Proof of a fluctuation relation linked to "inner friction" for any thermodynamic transformation of quantum systems.
- D - Spin-boson systems:
1)Study of finite size scaling for the magnetization, entanglement and Berry phase in the Dicke model;
2) Description of entanglement near classical bifurcation points in Jahn-Teller models with one and two electronic degrees of freedom;
3) Study of super-radiance and of the dynamics of quantum correlations in ion-cavity QED;
4) Characterization of spontaneous synchronization of two-spin systems.
- E - Superconducting Josephson nano-circuits:
1) Study of coherence properties of "single Cooper pair boxes" coupled capacitively;
2) transport and full counting statistics in the Josephson-Quasi-Particle cycle;
3) proposal and characterization of a circuit quantum data bus;
4) analysis of the measurement of quantum correlations with a DC-Squid device.
- F - Interference and correlations in radiative processes:
1) Introduction of an approximate analytical method to describe atomic transitions in laser irradiated many-level systems;
2) Study of generation of "strongly non-classical" states in Cavity QED;
3) Solution of a model describing spontaneous emission quenching due to quantum interference.
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- Dipartimento di Fisica
- Dipartimento di Fisica
- francesco.plastina@fis.unical.it
- fracesco.plastina@fis.unical.it
- 0984/496046