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Leonardo PRIMAVERA - Professori Associati


Professori Associati

Fisica del sistema Terra, dei pianeti, dello spazio e del clima (PHYS-05/B)

  • Dipartimento di Fisica
  • Dipartimento di Fisica
  • 0984 496138
  • 0984/496131
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Dr. Leonardo Primavera graduated in Physics "cum laude" at the University of Calabria on year 1991. From 1991 to 1994 he finished the PhD course at the University of Calabria. Since 1995 to 2001 he was reasearch fellow ans assistant professor in France, Germany and Italy. Since 2002 he is enrolled as researcher at the University of Calabria. Dr Primavera's research activity concerns numerical simulations of both fluid and plasma turbulence, analysis of turbulent structures in fluids and plasmas and the application of numerical techniques to the multifractal analysis of branched structures (river networks). Dr. Primavera is author of more than 40 publications (including journal papers and conference proceedings) related to the topics mentioned above.
LEONARDO PRIMAVERA’S CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM Personal and academic informations Family name: Primavera First name: Leonardo Date of birth: 9th April 1967 Place of birth: Catanzaro (Calabria, Italy) Affiliation: Physics Department, University of Calabria Academic position: Assistant professor Address: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Cubo 31/C, Ponte P. Bucci, 87036 - Rende (CS), Italy Email:, Telephone: +39-0984-496138 Education 1st November 1985 - 22 July 1991: First degree in Physics, obtained at the University of Calabria (Rende, Cosenza, Italy) with 110/100 “cum laude”. Thesis advisors have been Prof. Pierluigi Veltri and Prof. Francesco Malara. The topic of the thesis concerned numerical simulations of the parametric instability in the Solar Wind. 1st November 1991 - 31st October 1994: PhD in Physics at the University of Calabria. The PhD thesis concerned numerical simulations of the evolution of Alfvén waves in the Solar Corona and in the Solar Wind. 1st January 1995 - 31st December 1995: Post-doctoral fellowship at the Observatory of Meudon-Paris. The work concerned the construction of a numerical code to study the dynamo effect in an experimental device. P.I. of the project was Dr. Jacques Léorat. 15th January 1996 - 30th June 1997: Post-doctoral fellowship at the “Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam” (Astrophysical Institute of Potsdam), Germany. The work concerned numerical simulations of the Magneto-rotational instability in thin and thick accretion disks. P.I. of the project was Prof. Dr. Günther Rüdiger. 10th July 1997 - 9th July 1999: Post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Calabria. The work concerned the study of wave propagation and instability in the Solar Wind. 1st August 1999 - 31st December 2002: Research fellow position at the University of Calabria. The main research topics concerned the study of Magnetohydrodynamics and fluid turbulence. 1st January 2003 - Today: Assistant Professor at the University of Calabria. Main research interests Leonardo Primavera’s main research interests concern: numerical simulations of turbulence, in both fluids and plasmas. Leonardo Primavera is author of several parallel codes for the numerical simulation of turbulence in compressible and incompressible plasmas and fluids, in cartesian, and cylindrical geometry; a numerical code for modelling the energetic budget of a planet orbiting around a star, for the study of exoplanets; several codes for carrying out the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) analysis in a variety of situations; several codes for carrying out fractal and multifractal analyses of data of different origin; study of solar wind and solar coronal phenomena, plasma and fluid instabilities; dynamical systems and reduced magnetohydrodynamics and fluid models; analysis techniques of turbulent data, both extracted by numerical simulations or satellite measurements; multifractal analysis of river networks; turbulence in atmospheric physics and in the oceans in presence of rotation and stratification. Institutional Academic tasks March 2017 - Today: Member of the technical-scientific committee of the ICT center of the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy; November 2019 - Today: Pro-tempore President of the “Centro di Eccellenza per il Calcolo ad Alte Prestazioni per elaborazioni Parallele e Distribuite” (High Performance Computing Excellence Center for Parallel and Distributed Computation, HPCC) of the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. Participation in conferences September 1992: National PhD School in Astrophysics (3rd cycle, 2nd course), held in Torino, Italy, concerning topics in Plasma Physics and Solar System Physics March 1993: National PhD School in Astrophysics (4th cycle, 1st course), held in San Miniato (PI), Italy, on Solar Physics and Infrared Astronomy. May 1993: International conference “Advances in Solar Physics”, held in Catania, Italy. May 1993: International workshop on “Numerical methods in astrophysics and cosmology”, held in Torino, Italy. September 1993: National PhD School in Astrophysics (4th cycle, 2nd course), held in Sant'Agata sui due Golfi (NA), Italy, concerning topics in Cosmology and Stellar evolution. February 1994: International workshop “Astrophysical plasmas”, held in Asiago (VI), Italy. October 1994: National PhD School in Astrophysics (2nd cycle, 4th course), held in Palermo, Italy. August 1995: International conference “14th International Riga Conference on Magnetohydrodynamics”, held in Jurmala, Riga (Latvia). September 1996: International conference “Stellar and Planetary Magnetoconvection”, held in Modra (Slovackia), where he presented an oral contribution with title: “Balbus-Hawley instability in thin accretion discs”. September 1997: European Union Summer School “MHD Waves and Turbulence in Solar and Laboratory Plasmas”, held in KönigsWusterhausen (Berlin, Germany). October 1997: International conference ``8th October Astrophysics Conference: Accretion processes in astrophysical systems'', held in College Park (Maryland, USA), where he presented a poster with title: “Magnetic shear instability for accretion torii of constant specific angular momentum”. April 1998: International conference “Discs in Astrophysics”, held in Cambridge (UK), where he presented a poster with title: “Magnetic shear instability in thin accretion discs”; May 1998: International conference ``XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society'', held in Nice (France), where he presented an oral contribution with title: “A numerical study of the correlations between density and temperature fluctuations observed in solar wind” (abstract published in Annales Geophysicae, Supplement III to volume 16, 1998). June 1998: European Union Summer School “Dynamical MHD phenomena in Solar and Astrophysical Plasmas”, held in Crete (Greece), where he presented an oral contribution with title: “A numerical study of the compressive turbulence in Solar Wind”. April 1999: International conference “Nonlinear phenomena in fluids and plasmas, 1999 Plasma Easter Meeting”, held in Turin, where he presented an oral contribution with title: “Numerical simulation of the nonlinear evolution of the parametric instability”. June 1999: International conference ``INFMeeting, 1999'', held in Catania, where he presented a poster with title: “Numerical Simulations of the Parametric Instability”. September 1999: International conference “Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes, 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics”, held in Florence, where he presented a poster with title: “Numerical Simulations of the parametric instability in Solar Wind”. May 2000: Course funded by HP-Compaq on: “Introduction to Message-Passing programming and parallel computation”, held in Marlborough (Boston, USA). August 2007: International Conference “Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena”, held in Münich, Germany, where he presented two oral contributions with titles: “Temporal dynamics of Vortical Structures in Turbulent Channel Flow” and “Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Produced by Reconnection Instability”. April 2008: International Conference “EGU General Assembly 2008”, held in Vienna, where he presented two solicited oral contributions with titles: “Assessment of multifractal spectra of river networks” and “Three-dimensional numerical simulations of anisotropic turbulence induced by magnetic reconnection”. December 2017: International Conference “Euromech-Ercoftac Colloquium 589: Turbulent Cascades II”, held in Ecully (Lyon, France), where he presented a solicited oral contribution with title: “Parametric instability and turbulent cascades in space plasmas”. December 2018: International Conference “AGU Fall Meeting 2018”, held in Washington DC (USA), where he presented an oral contribution with title: “Vertical drafts and mixing in stratified turbulence”. June 2019: International Conference “NUMTA 2019”, held in Le Castella di Isola Capo Rizzuto (KR), Italy, where he presented an oral contribution with title: “Parallel Algorithms for Multifractal Analysis of River Networks”. Organization of conferences and conference sessions LOC member of the International summer school: “Analysis techniques for turbulent plasmas”, held in Copanello (CZ), Italy, on September 28 - October 2, 2004. LOC member of the International conference: “Workshop on Cross-Scale Coupling in Plasmas”, held in Rende (CS), Italy, on 9-11 March 2009. Convener for ST1.4 session: “Theory, simulations, and observations of magnetic dynamos” of the Conference “EGU General Assembly 2011”, held in Vienna, Austria, on 3-8 April 2011. Convener for ST1.4 session: “Theory, simulations, and observations of magnetic dynamos” of the Conference “EGU General Assembly 2012”, held in Vienna, Austria, on 22-27 April 2012. LOC member of the International conference: “Vlasovia 2016: Fifth International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov equation”, held in Copanello (CZ), Italy, on May 30 - June 2, 2016. LOC member of the International conference: “Particle Acceleration and Transport: from the Sun to Extragalactic Sources”, held in Rende, Italy, on 12-16 November 2018. SOC member of the International conference: “Plasma Physics and Astrophysics up to 2020 and Beyond - International workshop in honor of Pierluigi Veltri's 70th birthday” held in Rende, Italy, on 7-8 October 2019. Awards and Grants In 1992, the master thesis was awarded as the “Better master thesis concerning numerical topics” by the computer manufacturer “Bull HN Sud”. Leonardo Primavera took part as researcher in several “PRIN” (Progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale, Project of Relevant National Interest) grants funded by the italian “MIUR” (Ministero per l’Istruzione, l’Università e la Ricerca, Ministry for Education, University and Research). He is currently involved in a “PRIN” funded by “ASI” (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italian Space Agency) and a “POR” (Programma Operativo Regionale, “Regional Operational Program”), funded by the Calabria region. Membership in editorial boards Leonardo Primavera is member of the editorial board of the following scientific journals: “Atmosphere” (web site: “Mathematical Problems in Engineering” (web site not yet updated) He is “guest-editor” for the special-issue: "Nonlinearities, Turbulence and Chaos in Space and Earth Systems" for the journal “Atmosphere”. Reviewer activity Leonardo Primavera is reviewer for the following journals: Physical Review Letters (PRL); Physical Review E (PRE); Atmosphere; Chaos; Computers and Mathematics with Applications (CAMWA); Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA). Academic teaching Leonardo Primavera was teacher for the following courses at the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy: A. Y. 1993/1994: senior-tutor for the course “General Physics II” for the “Diploma in Engineering of Infrastructures and Mechanics” at the Engineering Faculty; A. Y. 1997/1998: senior-tutor for the course of “Rational Mechanics” for the “Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering” at the Engineering Faculty; A. Y. 1998/1999: senior-tutor for the course of “Rational Mechanics” for the “Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering” at the Engineering Faculty; A. Y. 1998/1999: senior-tutor for the courses of “Physics I” and “Physics II” for the “Diploma in Engineering” at the Engineering Faculty; A. Y. 1999/2000: senior-tutor for the course of “Rational Mechanics” for the “Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering” at the Engineering Faculty; A. Y. 1999/2000: senior-tutor for the course “General Physics I” for the “Degree in Engineering” at the Engineering Faculty; A. Y. 2011/2012: professor for the courses of “Computational Physics” (in english), for the “Degree in Computer Science”, “Numerical Methods” and “Advanced Numerical Methods”, for the “Degree in Physics”; A. Y. 2012/2013: professor for the courses of “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Computer Science”, “Numerical Methods” and the module of “Spectral Methods” for the course of “Advanced Numerical Methods”, for the “Degree in Physics”; A. Y. 2013/2014: professor for the courses of “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Computer Science”, “Numerical Methods”, for the “Degree in Physics”; A. Y. 2014/2015: professor for the courses of “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Computer Science”, “Numerical Methods” and “Heliospheric Physics”, for the “Degree in Physics”; A. Y. 2015/2016: professor for the courses of “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Computer Science”, “Numerical Methods”, for the “Degree in Physics”. Moreover, he was professor for the course of “Data Analysis in Python” for the PhD students of the Doctoral School in “Physical, Chemical and Materials Science and Technology”; A. Y. 2016/2017: professor for the courses of “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Computer Science”, “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Physics”; A. Y. 2017/2018: professor for the courses of “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Computer Science”, “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Physics”; A. Y. 2018/2019: professor for the courses of “Physics I”, for the “Degree in Chemical and Environmental Engineering”, “Computational Physics”, for the “Degree in Physics”; A. Y. 2019/2020: professor for the course of “Dynamics of the Atmosphere”, “Computational Physics”, “Laboratory of Astrophysics and Geophysics”, for the “Degree in Physics”. Thesis supervision Leonardo Primavera was thesis advisor/co-advisor for the following triennial degree theses in Physics: A. Y. 2014/2015. Costanzo Alessandro, matr. 136920: ”Intermittenza nelle fluttuazioni di densità del vento solare: confronto tra dati osservativi e simulazioni numeriche” (Intermittency in the density fluctuations in the Solar Wind: comparison between observational data and numerical simulations); A. Y. 2014/2015. Feraco Fabio, matr. 155028: “Simulazioni numeriche della instabilità parametrica in due dimensioni” (Numerical simulations of the parametric instability in two dimensions). He was also thesis advisor/co-advisor for the following master degree theses in Physics: A. Y. 2015/2016. Crupi Giuseppe Antonio, matr. 146165: “Simulazioni parallele in Magnetoidrodinamica comprimibile 2D con MPI e CUDA” (Parallel numerical simulations of 2D compressible Magnetohydrodynamics with MPI and CUDA); A. Y. 2016/2017. Feraco Fabio, matr. 182529: “Extreme events in stratified turbulence” (co-advisor with prof. Marino Raffaele, Ecole Centrale Lyon, France); A. Y. 2017/2018. Reda Raffaele, matr. 189229: “A model for Earth’s climate sensitivity to solar irradiance variations” (co-advisor with prof. Lepreti Fabio, University of Calabria, Italy and Vecchio Antonio, Radboud University, The Netherlands). Leonardo Primavera is currently thesis advisor of Dr. Fabio Feraco, PhD student in co-tutorship between University of Calabria (Italy) and Ecole Centrale Lyon (France). Moreover, he was thesis co-advisor of Dr. Onofri Marco (currently at TAE, formerly Tri-Alpha Energy, California, USA) and Dr. Servidio Sergio (currently associate professor at the University of Calabria, Italy).
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  • Dipartimento di Fisica
  • Dipartimento di Fisica
  • 0984 496138
  • 0984/496131