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Tommaso CARUSO - Ricercatori Universitari

Tommaso CARUSO

Ricercatori Universitari

Fisica per le scienze della vita, l'ambiente e i beni culturali (PHYS-06/A)

  • Dipartimento di Fisica
  • Dipartimento di Fisica
  • 0984/496095
  • 0984 496175
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Tommaso Caruso is researcher in Applied Physics at the Physics Department of Calabria University from the December 2007. His experimental activity is performed within the SPES (Surfaces Electron Spectroscopy) laboratory and is devoted at the study of the physical and chemical properties of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures by using techniques like electron spectroscopy and microscopy, synchrotron based spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. In particular he has interested into transition metal thin films and nanostructures and carbon based nanostructures (nanotubes, clusters, graphene) Recently he was involved in the study of: - Electronic and structural properties of TiO2 nanostructured films (supersonic cluster beam sources and pulsed laser deposition). - Local chemistry of WO3 films grown by spin coating. - Electronic and morphological properties of single walled carbon nanotube, nanostructured carbon films from supersonic cluster beam sources and metal carbon nanocomposites. - Nanocomposites materials: polymer/graphene and polymer/nanotubes films. Graduated cum laude in Physics and PhD awarded in 2002 with a thesis on "Chemical physics characterization of materials for energy storage systems (polymer electrolytes and nanostructured carbon aggregates)". He made stages in national (Centro Ricerche ENEA della Casaccia, Divisone Tecnologie Energetiche Avanzate, Settore R&S Conversione Elettrochimica dell’Energia), and international (laboratory “Surface and Thin Films”, Material Science Center, University of Groningen, The Netherlands) research centers. He was the principal proponent and investigator of different experimental proposals performed at the ELETTRA (Spectromiscoscopy, Material Science and BACH beamlines) and ESRF (GILDA beamline) synchrotrons for the investigation of nanostructured carbon and transition metal films. He participated at national research projects: project SUD MHES, Cofin ’99 “Cluster assembled carbon nanostructure for advanced applications” and Cofin. 2006 “Novel approach to growth and characterization of carbon-based nanostructured and nanocomposite materials with extended interface”. He recently participated at several projects within the “PON-Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013”: Project PON “MATERIA - Materiali, tecnologie e ricerca avanzata” (PONa3_00370) Project PON “µPerla – Programma di Energie Rinnovabili e Micro-Cogenerazione per l’Agroindustria” (PON01_01840) Project PON “EOMAT - Sistemi e materiali innovativi per la produzione e lo stoccaggio di energia rinnovabile” (PON03PE_00092_1/F1 He was in charge for the implementation of a UHV analysis system with an STM/nc-AFM microscope, acquired as part of the PON project-MATERIA. He is coauthor of 26 publications in prestigious international journals like “Physical Review B”, “Applied Physics Letters”, “Journal of Chemical Physics”, “Carbon”, "Journal of Physical Chemistry. A”, “Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, “Surface Science” ,“Langmuir” and “Chemical Physics Letters. H-index 10. He has settled collaborations with different reasearch groups: prof. P. Milani and dr. C. Lenardi (“LGM- Laboratorio Getti Molecolari e Materiali Nanocristallini”, Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica); Dr. S. Passerini (Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Muenster (Germany), formerly at ENEA); prof. P. Rudolf (“Surface and Thin Films” group, Material Science Center, University of Groningen, The Netherlands); prof. D. Gournis (Layered & Nanoporous Materials Group – CCL, University of Ioannina, Greece); C.S. Casari and A. Li Bassi (“Micro and Nanostructured Materials Lab”, Politecnico di Milano); V. Sanna e A. Mariani (Dipartimento di Chimica e Farmacia, Università degli Studi di Sassari).
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  • Dipartimento di Fisica
  • Dipartimento di Fisica
  • 0984/496095
  • 0984 496175