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Maurizio MUZZUPAPPA - Professori Ordinari


Professori Ordinari

Disegno e metodi dell'ingegneria industriale (IIND-03/B)


Maurizio Muzzupappa is Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering of the University of Calabria (Unical) since 2018.

He is currently: Rector's Delegate for Technology Transfer for the University of Calabria - Didactic Delegate for the DIMEG - Scientific Responsible for the Innovation Ecosystem Project: TECH4YOU - Responsible for the Center's Physical Prototyping Laboratory MaTeRiA (Research and Innovation Services Centre). Joint project UNICAL and CNISM - Head of the Unical Reparto Corse for participation in the international Formula SAE event.

Founding partner of three university spin-offs

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Maurizio Muzzupappa is a Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Energy, and Management Engineering since 2018. In 1989, he earned a degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering with a specialization in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Calabria (Unical), graduating with honors. In 1993, he obtained a Ph.D. in "Materials Mechanics" from the University of Pisa. He teaches the following courses: Tools and Methods for Design and Formula SAE LAB. • Chairman of the Board of Directors of TECH4YOU, the Innovation Ecosystem of Calabria and Basilicata. • Rector’s Delegate for Technology Transfer at the University of Calabria. • Academic Delegate for Education at the Department of Mechanical, Energy, and Management Engineering. • Head of the Physical Prototyping Laboratory at the MaTeRiA Center (Research and Innovation Services Center) – A joint project between UNICAL and CNISM. • Supervisor of the Unical Racing Team, a student team from the University of Calabria participating in the international Formula SAE competition. • Member of the national board of the ING-IND/15 scientific-disciplinary sector. • Member of the Ph.D. faculty board at the DICI Doctoral School of Unical. • Co-founder of three university spin-offs: 3DResearch, Tech4Sea, and Q-bot. He is the Scientific Director of the following projects: • TECH4YOU: "Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement" under the Innovation Ecosystem, part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. • COSENZA OPEN INCUBATOR: CIS "Cosenza - Historical Center". • GROWN IN THE BLUE: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR KNOWLEDGE AND CONSERVATION OF MEDITERRANEAN REEFS, UNICAL research unit.
Maurizio Muzzupappa has been a Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Energy, and Management Engineering at the University of Calabria (Unical) since 2018. In 1989, he graduated with honors in Industrial Technologies Engineering with a specialization in Mechanical Engineering from Unical, and in 1993, he obtained a Ph.D. in "Mechanics of Materials" from the University of Pisa. TEACHING AND INSTITUTIONAL ROLES - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the TECH4YOU Consortium, an Innovation Ecosystem for Calabria and Basilicata. - Rector's Delegate for Technology Transfer at the University of Calabria. - Academic Delegate for Educational Affairs at the Department of Mechanical, Energy, and Management Engineering. - Head of the Physical Prototyping Laboratory at the MaTeRiA Center (Research and Innovation Services Center), a joint project between UNICAL and CNISM. - Supervisor of the Unical Racing Team, which participates in the international Formula SAE competition. - Member of the national board for the ING-IND/15 Scientific-Disciplinary Sector. - Member of the doctoral faculty at the DICI Ph.D. School at Unical. He teaches the following courses: - Tools and Methods for Design - Formula SAE LAB He has also held several director roles: - Director of the "Design for Artistic and Cultural Heritage" Advanced Training Laboratory (funded by MISE and MIBAC, 2013). - Director of the Master's Program in Prototyping Services and Research for New Technologies and Materials (funded by MIUR, 2012-2014, in collaboration with UNICAL and CNISM). - Director of the Master's Program in Product and Process Design for the Wood Industry (funded by the Calabria Region, 2007-2008). - Director of the Postgraduate Program in Industrial Design at the Faculty of Engineering (2001-2010). - Director of the Postgraduate Program in Multimedia Technologies and Languages at the Faculty of Engineering (2005-2006). Prof. Muzzupappa has supervised over 300 thesis projects and served as a tutor for 10 Ph.D. students since 2002. He has also been the scientific supervisor for more than 20 research fellowships from 2001 to the present. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER - Co-founder of 3DResearch s.r.l., a spin-off company from the University of Calabria. The company currently employs 10 full-time staff and has participated in two European research projects funded by the H2020 program and EASME since 2008. - Co-founder of Tech4Sea s.r.l., another university spin-off, which won the Calabria Region's competition for creating spin-offs and innovative micro-enterprises. The project was funded by the POR Calabria FESR 2007/2013 program. - Co-founder of Q-BOT s.r.l., a spin-off company of the University of Calabria, since February 2021. He holds 10 patents. PROJECT LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (Last 5 Years) 1. Scientific Director of the project TECH4YOU – "Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement," part of the Innovation Ecosystem under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Mission 4, Education and Research, Component 2 – From Research to Business, Investment 1.5), funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. 2. Scientific Director of the project Cosenza Open Incubator, within the CIS "Cosenza - Historic Center" framework, part of the "Culture and Tourism" Operational Plan, aimed at creating an incubator for cultural and innovative tourism enterprises. 3. Coordinator of the UNICAL-DIMEG research unit for the project "Grown In The Blue: New Technologies For Knowledge And Conservation Of Mediterranean Reefs", funded by the Special Research Integration Fund (FISR2019_04543). 4. Scientific Director of the POR Calabria FESR-FSE 2021-27 project “PrimaB”. 5. Scientific Director of the POR Calabria FESR-FSE 2014-20 project “Revoilution.” 6. Scientific Director of the **POR Calabria 2014-20** project “ORIGAMI”. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS He has authored over 200 publications, of which 62 are in international journals (h-index 27).
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