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Giacinto BAGETTA - Professori Ordinari

Giacinto BAGETTA

Professori Ordinari

Farmacologia (BIOS-11/A)

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Place of birth: Davoli (CZ; IT); Date of birth: 20/12/59; Degree: Medicine and Surgery (cum laude) since 1983, Consultant in Clinical Pharmacology since 1987; Posts held: 1987-1990 University Researcher of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine of Catanzaro; august 1988-march 1991 post-doctoral fellow and recipient of a bursary from the british Medical Research Council at the School of Pharmacy, University of London; 1990-1992 University Researcher of Pharmacology, Department of Biology, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" 1992-1993 Associated Professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine of Catanzaro; 1993-1994 Associated Professor of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Calabria; 1994-1995 Full Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology, Department of Neuroscience, University of Cagliari; 1995-1999: Full Professor of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacobiology, University of Calabria and Head of Department; 2000- : Full Professor of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacobiology, actually (since 2012- ) Department of Pharmacy, Health Science and Nutrition, University of Calabria; Publications: Co-Editor with scientists of the caliber of Oliver J Dolly (Dublin), Salvador Moncada (London), Stuart A Lipton (LaJolla), Shinobu Sakurada (Sendai) Bernhard Brune (Erlanghen) and Neville N Osborne (UK) of 9 books produced by internationally recognized publishers like Elsevier plc, CRC Press, Portland Pres; author of more than 525 publications of which 293 (scopus source) full papers in internationally indexed journals (h-index 63 Google Scholar for more than 20500 citations;, h-index 53 Scopus for approx 10000 citations; Top Italian Scientist and Top Scientist of the University of Calabria established by Via-Academy and Google Scholar, respectively), 25 book chapters and more than 250 abstracts of communications in national and international meetings. Memberships: member of the Italian Societies of Pharmacology and of Neuroscience; past member of the Italian Society of Toxicology, Italian Association of Immunopharmacology, British Pharmacological Society and of the International Society for Neurochemistry. Member of the Editorial Board of high impact factor journals like Current Opinion in Pharmacology, Frontiers in Pharmacology, and past member of the editorial board of J Neurochemistry, J of Neuroscience Methods and J of Chemotherapy. Referee for prestigeous, internationally recognized scientific journals and research funding agencies such as The Wellcome Trust (UK), The National Council fo Research (CNR, Italy), The Italian Ministry for University and Research (including Reprise), The Italian Ministry of Health, The Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the Ministry of Scientific Research of the Austrian Government. Member of the National Health Research Committee at the Ministry of Health since 1996 and with right of vote since may 2004 to december 2010. Member of the Ethic Committee for Regional Hospitals (AO Annunziata, Cosenza) and Institutes of Excellence (IRCCS Fondazione Mondino, Pavia) from 1996 up to 2013. Nominated (Decreto dirigenziale n° 10865 del 29/07/2013) component of the committee for the public competition to 91 pharmacy sites in the Calabria Region. At the Ministry of Health he is component (D.M. 30 march 2016) of the technical committee for nutrition and animal health, consulting section for the veterinary drug, confirmed in this same role with DM 9 august 2019 up to october 2022. With Directorial Decree (MIUR) n° 1597 of july 8th 2021 he has been nominated member and, susequently, elected President of the ASN committee for the "settore concorsuale" 05/G1 Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy for the period 2021/2023.
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