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Fabio BRUNO - Professori Ordinari


Professori Ordinari

Disegno e metodi dell'ingegneria industriale (IIND-03/B)

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CURRENT ACADEMIC POSITION - Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Energetics and Management Engineering (DIMEG), University of Calabria, since 01/01/2012. Scientific subject area: ING-IND/15 - Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering. EDUCATION BACKGROUND 04/04/2001: MS in Management Engineering 1/10/2001 to 31/07/2003: Research Fellowship at the Department of Mechanics, University of Calabria 07/02/2006 : Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Calabria, final dissertation : "Innovative methods for industrial design based on virtual reality techniques." TEACHING ACTIVITIES Professor of Virtual Prototyping, Year II, MS in Mechanical Engineering (6 credits). Professor of Technical Industrial Design (6 credits), Year I, MS in Chemical Engineering. LEADING ROLES IN RUNNING RESEARCH PROJECTS Since April 2014: Principal investigator of the project PAC02L2-00040 "VISAS - Integrated Enhancement of Underwater Archaeological Sites" funded by Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. Director of the Research Unit of the DIMEG-UNICAL in the projects: - “ITACA - Innovative Tools for cultural heritage ArChiving and restorAtion” funded by the Regional Council of Calabria. - COMAS "Planned in Situ Preservation of Underwater Archaeological Artifacts", funded by the Italian Ministry of Education. - IT@CHA "Italian Technologies for Advanced Applications in Cultural Heritage" funded by the Italian Ministry of Education. Since November 2011: Scientific manager of the Laboratory "3D Survey - Computer Aided Design" established by Consorzio Cultura & Innovazione S.C.R.L. as part of the Project for the Innovation Hub for Cultural Heritage of Calabria, funded by the Regional Council of Calabria. In the past he has been Director of the Research Unit for several national projects.
CURRENT ACADEMIC POSITION - Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Energetics and Management Engineering (DIMEG), University of Calabria, since 01/01/2012. Scientific subject area: ING-IND/15 - Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering. - Qualified teacher status of Full Professor obtained in accordance with Decree of Italian Ministry of Education no. 22, 20 July 2012. PREVIOUS ROLES - Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanics, University of Calabria, from 03/01/2005 to 31/12/2011 in the scientific subject area ING-IND/15 - Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering. - May 2001 to July 2001: research activity at the Department of Mechanics, University of Calabria, with a temporary contract employment. - 2001: Professional Engineer's license. - 1/10/2001 to 31/07/2003: Research Fellowship at the Department of Mechanics, University of Calabria, in the scientific subject area ING-IND/15 - Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering. Research activity focused on development and implementation of the VEIS (Virtual Environment for Interactive Sketching) system for the modelling process of NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline) curves and surfaces in Virtual Reality. EDUCATION BACKGROUND - 07/02/2006: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Calabria, final dissertation : "Innovative methods for industrial design based on virtual reality techniques." - 04/04/2001: MS in Management Engineering, specializing in Information and Decision Support Systems, University of Calabria, score : 108/110, final dissertation : "Innovative techniques for human-machine interaction in Virtual Reality assisted design systems." The research for final dissertation was mainly carried out during a three-months internship at the Department of Industrial Applications of the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany. - 1994: High School Diploma, score : 55/60, at the Liceo Scientifico Statale "Galileo Galilei", Paola (CS), Italy. ROLES IN SPIN-OFF COMPANIES AND RESEARCH CONSORTIUMS - From Jul 2008 – to Present: Cofounder and President at 3D Research s.r.l. – via P. Bucci 45c, Rende (CS) - Academic spin-off company of the University of Calabria founded in 2008. The company has 15 employees with permanent contracts, and it is involved in various research projects funded by EASME, EMFF, Creative Europe and H2020 program for the development of new technologies and systems for the documentation, and preservation of underwater cultural and natural heritage. Since 2020 he is President of the Board. - From Jul 2008 – to Present: Cofounder at Tech4Sea s.r.l. – via P. Bucci 46c, Rende (CS) - Academic spin-off of the University of Calabria, winner of the tender "Creating entrepreneurial spin-off companies and innovative micro-enterprises from universities and research centers by new graduates or PhD students" funded by POR Calabria FESR 2007 / 2013 under the Action Line The company develops underwater technologies and mechatronic systems and devices for Oil & Gas, Industrial and Cultural Heritage sectors. - From Feb 2015 – to Dec 2017 Member of the Board of Directors at Cultura e Innovazione S.C.a R.L. – via Mario Nicoletta n. 28, Crotone - TEACHING BACKGROUND Teaching at the University of Calabria since Academic Year (hereinafter AY) 2000-2001: - Member of the Academic Board of the Ph.D. in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Calabria. - Since A.Y. 2020-2021 he is Professor of Graphical documentation for the restoration, Year IV, MS in Restoration - Since A.Y. 2019-2020 he is Professor of Virtual and Augmented Reality, Year II, MS at the Department of Mechanical, Energetics, and Management Engineering. - Since A.Y. 2016-2017 he is Professor of Rapid Prototyping, Year II, MS at the Department of Mechanical, Energetics, and Management Engineering. - Since A.Y. 2016-2017 to A.Y. 2018-2019 he has been Professor of Computer Graphics at the Department of Civil Engineering. - Since A.Y. 2008-2009 to A.Y. 2015-2016 he has been Professor of Machine Drawings at the Department of Chemical Engineering. - Since A.Y. 2008-2009 to A.Y. 2015-2016 he has been Professor of Virtual Prototyping at the Department of Mechanical, Energetics, and Management Engineering. - AYs 2004-2005 to 2007-2008: Professor Technical Industrial Design (3 credits), Year I, MS in Chemical Engineering; Teaching assistant in Machine Design (5 credits), Year II, MS in Mechanical Engineering. - In AYs 2000-2001 and 2002-2003: Teaching assistant in Methods of Technical Drawing, MS in Mechanical Engineering. - In AY 2002-2003: Teaching assistant at the Laboratory of IT, MS in Mechanical Engineering. - In AY 2001-2002: Teaching assistant in Technical Industrial Design, MS in Chemical Engineering. - Teacher at the Specialization School for High School Teaching (SSIS), University of Calabria - officially recognized courses for Technology and Technical Drawing - In AY 2005-2006: Teacher of Industrial Technical Drawing and Machine Design. - In AY 2006-2007: Teacher of Didactics for Industrial Technical Design, Didactics for Machine Design and Teaching Laboratory for Computer Aided Design - Coordinator for more than sixty dissertations and 6 internships in private firms. - Tutor of four Ph.D students in Mechanical Engineering, University of Calabria. - Scientific manager of four research grants at the Department of Mechanical, Energetics and Management Engineering, University of Calabria - Scientific advisor for a research internship, funded by the Regional Council of Calabria, at the The Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), Italian National Research Council (CNR), Pisa. The internship subject was the development of algorithms for hyper/multi-spectral image processing for applications in the virtual restoration of ancient manuscripts. - Tutor of a trainee under the project "Training & Innovation for Employment" (FIxO) funded by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Security in 2011. - Teacher at the following post-graduate specialization courses: 2007 : Post-graduate master in "Computational Science and Supercomputing", Nec Italy s.r.l, within the project CESIC (Supercomputing Center for Computational Engineering) 2010: Post-graduate master in "Virtual Reality Techniques in the Product Development Process", University of Palermo, Italy. -012: Specialization Course "SIMPASS - Innovative Sstems and Materials for the Preservation of Underwater Archaeological Sites", University of Calabria. - July 2006: Teacher of Autocad in a one-week corporate training course, Medcenter Container Terminal S.p.A. - 06/12/2005: Lecturer at the course "Technological Innovation for Metalworking Companies", Institute Guglielmo Tagliacarne, Chamber of Commerce of Cosenza. LEADING ROLES IN RESEARCH PROJECTS - Since June 2021: scientific coordinator of the project Interreg Med – BLUEMED PLUS - Capitalization by transferring to new Med territories the BlueMed multidisciplinary model for sustainable and responsible coastal tourism development, coordinated by Università della Calabria. Web-site: - Since January 2020: Coordinator of the UNICAL-DIMEG research unit in the project H2020-ECSEL-JU INSECTT - Intelligent Secure Trustable Things a pan-European effort with 54 key partners from 12 countries (EU and Turkey) under grant agreement No 876038. Web-site: - Since January 2020: Director of the Research Unit at 3DResearch in the project CREA CROSS SECT INNOVLAB - MAREBOX - Culture underwater time capsules at the bottom of the sea. ( - Since June 2020: Coordinator of the UNICAL-DIMEG research unit in the project SMILE - Smart Tools and Methods for the Digital Enterprise - funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development under the PON I&C 2014-2020 FESR. - Since 2019: Scientific coordinator of the H2020-MSCA-RISE TECTONIC Project “Technological Consortium TO develop sustaiNabIlity of underwater Cultural heritage”, coordinated by Università della Calabria (Grant Agreement n° 873132). ( - Since 2019: Director of the Research Unit at the University of Calabria in the project EASMEEMFF BlueEconomy – SCIENCE DIVER “Cross-sectoral skills for the Blue Economy labor market”, financed by EASME through the Call: EMFF-BlueEconomy-2018. ( - Since May 2019: Director of the Research Unit of the 3DResearch in the project COSME - MeDryDive “Creating personalized dry dive experiences for the promotion of Mediterranean Underwater Cultural Heritage sites as distinctive tourism destinations” ( - Since January 2019: Director of the Research Unit of the 3DResearch in the project EASME/EMFF DiveSafe “Integrated system for scientific and environmental underwater surveys, with advanced health & safety features” ( - Since March 2017 to February 2019: Director of the Research Unit of the 3DResearch in the project “Lab4Dive - Mobile Smart Lab for Augmented Archaeological Dives” funded by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) of the European Commission by means the Call EASME/EMFF/2016/ “BLUE-LABS”. The project co-ordinator is Atlantis Consulting based in Thessaloniki (Greece). - Since June 2017 to December 2019: Principal Investigator of the Research Project “MOLUX - MObile Lab for Underwater eXploration” funded by the Regional Council of Calabria under the POR2014-2020. Project partners are UNICAL-DIMEG, 3DResearch, Tech4sea and Italia Compositi. - Since January 2017 to December 2018: Director of the Research Unit at the University of Calabria in the project "Underwater Cultural Route in Classical Antiquity” funded by the European Commission with the Call EASME/EMFF/2015/ “Thematic Routes on Underwater Cultural Heritage". The project coordinator is Atlantis Consulting based in Thessaloniki (Greece). - Since November 2016 to December 2019: Director of the Research Unit of the 3DResearch in the project “iMARECULTURE - iMmersive serious games and Augmented REality as tools to raise awareness and access to European underwater CULTURal heritagE”, funded by the European Commission with the Call: H2020-SC6-CULT-COOP-2016-2017 of the Horizon H2020 programme. International partnership with Cyprus University of Technology as project co-ordinator. - Since November 2016 to January 2020: Director of the Research Unit at the University of Calabria in the project “BLUEMED - Plan/test/coordinate Underwater Museums, Diving Parks and Knowledge Awareness Centres in order to support sustainable and responsible tourism development and promote Blue growth in coastal areas and islands of the Mediterranean”, funded by the European Commission with the Interreg Mediterranean programme. - Since April 2014 to September 2016: Principal investigator of the project PAC02L2-00040 "VISAS - Integrated Enhancement of Underwater Archaeological Sites" funded by Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. The partnership was made by: University of Calabria, CNRIAMC, 3D Research s.r.l., Enviroconsult s.r.l., and Applicon s.r.l. - Since March 2014 to December 2015: Director of the Research Unit of the DIMEG in the project “NANOPROTECH - NANO PROtection TEchnology for Cultural Heritage”. The project aimed to develop conservation techniques for the restoration of the cultural heritage, which includes cleaning procedures that may trigger new degradation mechanisms of the original material. 3D Research has been involved in designing and implementing a prototype of nanoparticle sprayers. 3DResearch was the project co-ordinator, and the partnership was composed of: Syremont s.p.a., C.B.C. Conservazione Beni Culturali Soc. Coop., University of Calabria, CNR-ISAC. The project has been funded by the Regional Council of Calabria. - Since March 2014 to December 2015: Director of the Research Unit of the DIMEG in the SCODA – Integrated Certification System for Artwork” – project aimed to develop new methodologies and tools for certifying and dating artwork and to create an innovative system based on an intelligent and upgradable database for the certification and dating of works of art. The project has been carried out by the leader company TEA in partnership with the University of Calabria, and 3DResearch and Diarco Restauro companies. The project has been funded by the Regional Council of Calabria. - Since September 2012 to April 2015: Director of the Research Unit of the DIMEG in the project “ITACA - Innovative Tools for cultural heritage ArChiving and restorAtion”, presented by TEA s.a.s. in partnership with CNR-ISTI, Pisa, and University of Calabria. The project is funded by the Regional Council of Calabria. - Since November 2011 to December 2015: Scientific manager of the Laboratory 3D Survey - Computer Aided Design" established by Consorzio Cultura & Innovazione S.C.R.L. as part of the Project for the Innovation Hub for Cultural Heritage of Calabria, funded by the Regional Council of Calabria. - Since July 2011 to September 2015: Director of the Research Unit of the DIMEG and coordinator for the Operational Goal OR4 : "Techniques for diagnostics, cleaning and preservation of underwater heritage" in the project COMAS "Planned in Situ Preservation of Underwater Archaeological Artifacts", funded by the Italian Ministry of Education. The project is coordinated by the University of Calabria and features WASS S.p.A., Ageotec S.r.l., Syremont S.p.A., Central Superior Institute for Restoration Sant'Anna. - Since July 2011 to December 2015: Director of the Research Unit of the DIMEG for the project IT@CHA "Italian Technologies for Advanced Applications in Cultural Heritage" funded by the Italian Ministry of Education. The project is coordinated by Consorzio Cetma and 15 partners - both private companies and research bodies - are involved. - From September 2009 to September 2011: Director of the Research Unit at the University of Calabria in the Research Project AMMIRA (Multispectral Acquisition, Improvement, Indexing and Search of Artistic Artifacts) presented by TEA s.a.s. in partnership with CNR-ISTI, Pisa, and University of Calabria. The project was funded by the Regional Council of Calabria. - From February 2008 to September 2009: Director of the Research Unit at the University of Calabria in the Research Project RESTARTS (REStoration Tools for ARTS) – Module B, presented by TEA s.a.s. in partnership with CNR-ISTI, Pisa, and University of Calabria. The project was funded by the Regional Council of Calabria. - From February 2007 to February 2009: Director of the Research Unit in the Project MIUR-PRIN2006 - PUODARSI “Product User-Oriented Development Based on Augmented Reality and interactive Simulation”. - From February 2007 to June 2009: Scientific manager for the Operational Goal OR8 ŗD Representation and Visualization of Results" in the project CESIC (Supercomputing Center for Computational Engineering) by Nec Italy s.r.l., funded by the Italian Ministry of Education. - From December 2005 to September 2009: Scientific manager for the Operational Goal OR1 "Definition of methods, systems and tools for the in situ detection and the survey of underwater archaeological heritage" as part of the project MESSIAH (Innovative Methodologies, Tools and Services for Underwater Archaeology) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and the Regional Council of Calabria in the context of the Framework Programme for the Technological District of Cultural Heritage in Crotone. Research subject: A.1.5 Development of techniques for underwater 3D survey and A.1.6 Development of a prototype of an underwater 3D scanner. PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH PROJECTS - From July 2012 to 2016: Participation in the project "FLEXPROD - flexible production systems and eco-friendly vehicles" funded under the 2015 Programme of Italian Ministry of Economic Development. Roles in the project: definition of a methodology for the design of workstations based on of Mixed Reality techniques. - From December 2005 to December 2007: Project LaBC (Laboratory for the survey and image-based diagnostics of Cultural Heritage), funded by the Regional Council of Calabria under the Framework Programme for Technological District of Cultural Heritage of Crotone; - From December 2005 to December 2007: Development of the research subject ŗD Visualization of optimization/simulation" as part of the project LOGICA (Technological Laboratory for Logistics in Calabria), funded under the Framework Programme for Technological District for Logistics of Gioia Tauro. Scientific manager of the following research agreements signed with private companies: - 01/09/2007 to 31/12/2007: Elasis S.C.p.A., Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples, Italy), "Development of a tool dedicated to the modelling of vehicle cabling in Virtual Reality, to optimize the assessment of digital mock-ups with Virtual Reality techniques and technologies". - 01/07/2007 to 31/07/2007: Rocco Design srl., San Giorgio a Cremano (Naples, Italy) - "Design and assistance in the implementation of a Virtual Reality system". - 01/04/2007 to 30/06/2007: Eurolab srl, San Severo (Foggia, Italy) - "Development of a stereoscopic visualization system". - 16/03/2007 to 31/07/2007: Tea sas, Catanzaro, Italy "Technological Audit for the project Restoration Tools for Arts". - 27/03/2007 to 27/03/2008: Italbanodica snc, Guardia Piemontese (CS, Italy), "Technological Audit and Scientific-Technical Research for the project to Study of innovative solutions for folding shutters - 05/04/2007 to 05/04/2008: Esperia s.r.l., Paola (CS, Italy),"Technological Audit and Scientific-Technical Research for the project Innovative tools and methods for project management in the railway industry", - 29/05/2007 - 29/05/2008: New Day u.r.l., Pallagorio (KR, Italy), "Technological Audit and Scientific-Technical Research for the project Development of innovative machinery for bakery and confectionery". Participation in the implementation of the following research agreements with private companies: - 26/7/2011 to 30/09/2011: Nuovo Pignone SpA, Florence, "Development of a demo application for ergonomic analyses and maintainability in Virtual Reality". - 02/05/2003 to 31/12/2003: Elasis S.C.p.A., Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples, Italy), "Development of Virtual Reality applications for the improvement of disassembly analysis, ergonomic evaluation of car interiors and CAE visualization data (crash, CFD)". - 1/7/2004 to 31/12/2004: Elasis S.C.p.A., Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples, Italy), "Implementation of an application for the simulation of the disassembly process of vehicle DMU components in a virtual environment". - 8/4/2005 to 31/12/2005: Elasis S.C.p.A.. Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples, Italy), "Development of an application for the simulation of the process of disassembly and installation of electrical wiring on Digital Mockup (DMU) of vehicles by means of VR". PARTICIPATION IN SPIN-OFF COMPANIES - Since April 2014: participation in the SEATRONICS team, winner of the tender "Creating entrepreneurial spin-off companies and innovative micro-enterprises from universities and research centers by new graduates or PhD students" funded by POR Calabria FESR 2007 / 2013 under the Action Line - Since July 2008: founding member and vice president of 3DResearch S.r.l. a spin-off company of the University of Calabria, created by teachers and researchers of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Electronics, IT and Systems Engineering. COLLABORATION WITH FOREIGN RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS List of collaborations with foreign research organizations, including references to publications produced under these collaborations: - VICOROB (COmputer VIsion and ROBotics Research Team, Institute of Informatics and Applications, Università di Girona (Spain). - Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Department of Industrial Application, Darmstadt (Germany) - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Department of Computer Science, Madrid (Spain) - Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA), Dept. of Image Processing, Prague (Czech Republic) - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes LSIS - UMR CNRS 6168, Marseille (France) - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers – ENSAM, Aix En Provence (France) SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS AND BIBLIOMETRICS Number of publications indexed on Scopus: 109 Scopus h-index: 22 International patents: 3 National patents: 1
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