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Domenico UMBRELLO - Professori Ordinari


Professori Ordinari

Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione (IIND-04/A)

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Born in Catanzaro on February 5th, 1976, Dr. Domenico Umbrello graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 2001. In 2002 he started his PhD course in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Calabria where, in 2005, he discussed a PhD thesis focused on the analysis of machining processes. In 2003, Prof. Domenico Umbrello has been Visiting Scholar at the Industrial Welding & Systems Engineering, The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH, USA). Furthermore, Prof. Umbrello has been several times Visiting Professor (JAN-AUG 2012, MAR-SEP 2011; MAY-AUG 2008) at Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Kentucky (Lexington, UK, USA. Currently he is full professor of Manufacturing Processes at the University of Calabria. Prof. Domenico Umbrello is member of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering), ESAFORM (European Scientific Association for material FORMing) and AITEM (Associazione Italiana di Tecnologia Meccanica). Within Esaform and AITEM, he is also member of the Board of Directors and of the Directive Council. The scientific activity has been mainly focused on two research fields: i. Machining ii. hard turning iii. Surface integrity iv. Effect of cryogenic in the manufacturing processes v. Metal forming vi. Friction stir welding. Prof. Umbrello is coauthor of 120 papers on international scientific journals or on the proceedings of national and international conferences. Finally, Prof. Umbrello was awarded with the prestigiuous CIRP 2011 Taylor Medal, the 2011 Esaform Prize and the 2005 AITEM (Italian Society for Manufacturing) Outstanding Young Manufacturing Research Award.
Born in Catanzaro on February 5th, 1976, Prof. Domenico Umbrello graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 2001. In 2002 he started his PhD course in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Calabria where, in 2005, he discussed a PhD thesis focused on the analysis of machining processes. In 2003, Prof. Domenico Umbrello has been Visiting Scholar at the Industrial Welding & Systems Engineering, The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH, USA), in the Manufacturing Research Group (MRG) direct by Prof. Shivpuri. Furthermore, Prof. Umbrello has been several times Visiting Professor )JAN-AUG 2012, MAR-SEP 2011; MAY-AUG 2008) in the Center for Manufacturing at The University of Kentucky (Lexington, UK, USA), direct by Prof. Jawahir. Currently he is full professor of Manufacturing Processes at the University of Calabria. Prof. Domenico Umbrello is member of AITEM (Associazione Italiana di Tecnologia Meccanica), and ESAFORM (European Scientific Association for material FORMing). Within Esaform and AITEM he is also member of the Board of Directors and Directive Council. The scientific activity has been mainly focused on two research fields: Traditional and advanced machining operations, in particular developing fundamental studies on the variables that can be predicted by using the finite element simulation, such as forces, pressure, heat flux, temperatures, thermal phenomena at the tool – chip interface, tool wear and residual stresses; Advanced empirical rheological models for hard materials such as AISI 52100 bearing steel, AISI H13 tool steel, AISI 316L stainless steels, Nickel based alloys (IN718, Waspaloy) and Aerospace Aluminum alloy (AA7075-T651); Study of surface integrity (residual stresses, white and dark layers, SPD, DRX and grain refinements) by numerical analysis and experimental tests; Influence of innovative cooling techniques (near-to-dry, LN2-Cryogenic, etc.) and their influence manufacturing processes for enhancing the Product Life and Performance; Sustainable machining processes; FEM-AI hybrid approaches for residual stresses optimization; Innovative metallic engineering materials, in particular modeling the behavior of the metallic foams. The main results achieved in these researches have represented the object of more than 120 scientific papers on international journals and on the proceedings of international conference. The list of the most relevant publications is attached to this curriculum. Domenico Umbrello actively collaborates with several International Research Groups sited in University of Kentucky (Lexington (UK), USA), in Ohio State University (Columbus (OH), USA), in Tokyo Denki University (Tokyo, Japan) in Ensam of Cluny (France), in INSA Lyon (France), in Mondragon University (Mondragon, Spain), in University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany). Finally, Dr. Umbrello was awarded with the prestigiuous CIRP 2011 Taylor Medal, the 2011 Esaform Prize and the 2005 AITEM (Italian Society for Manufacturing) Outstanding Young Manufacturing Research Award.
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