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Carmine MALETTA - Professori Associati


Professori Associati

Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine (IIND-03/A)

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CARMINE MALETTA Email: Personal Web-page: Group Web-page: Scopus Authod ID: B-9405-2009 Orcid: SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION (ACCORDING TO SCOPUS) Total documents: 81 H-index: 22 Citations: 1503 Citations excluding self-citations: 1172 CURRENT ACADEMIC POSITION Since 2017 Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering design at the Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, University of Calabria, Italy PAST ACADEMIC POSITION 2005-2017 Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering design at the Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, University of Calabria, Italy OTHER JOB POSITION 2000-2002 Business consultant on process engineering at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), Rome, Italy EDUCATION 2006 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Engineering materials and structures, University of Calabria, Italy; 1999 Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Magna cum laude) at University of Calabria, Italy; AWARDS, HONORS, FELLOWSHIPS Since 2015 Cooperation Associate at CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research), Geneva, Switzerland 2015 Young reseacher award at Universirty of Calabria, Italy. 2013 AIAS award for the papar “Fatica oligociclica in una lega NiTi pseudoelastica" (; PROFESSIONAL COMMETTES AND ACTIVITIES Since 2011 Member of the executive committee of the Italian Group on Fracture ( Since 2013 Member of the technical committee of the CALEF consortium ( c/o ENEA Research center Rotondella (MT) MEMBERSHIPS TO EDITORIAL BOARD OF INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Since 2022 Editorial board member of Shape Memory and Superelasticity, Springer (ISSN 2199384X, 21993858) Since 2020 Editorial board member of AIMS Material Scienve, AIMS Press ed. (ISSN 2372-0468) Since 2019 Editorial board member of Materials, MDPI ed. (ISSN 1996-1944 Since 2011 Editorial board member of Frattura e Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity), Italian Group of Fracture ed. (ISSN 1971-8993) KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER 2019 Co-founder and CEO of the spin-off and innovative startup company 2SMArtEST ( RESEARCH INTERESTS (SELECTED) - Shape memory alloys: simulation, thermo-mechanical training, experimental characterization; - Fatigue and fracture of engineering materials; - Numerical methods for structural engineering; ACTIVE RESEARCH GRANTS - Project: Thalassa (TecHnology And materials for safe Low consumption And low life cycle cost veSSels And crafts) ( Framework: Italian Program on Research and Innovation 2014-2020 (PON “R&I” 2014- 2020); Main partner: Distretto Sicilia Navec; Role: Laser welding of dissimilar materials and mechanical characterization. - ARIA (Active Responsive Intelligent Aerodynamics) Framework: Italian Program on Research and Innovation 2014-2020 (PON “R&I” 2014- 2020); Main partner: FCA Group; Role: Development and testing of active composite with embedded shape memory alloys with shape morphing capabilities. - SMA Couplers (shape memory alloy -based pipe couplers for ultra High Vacuum applications)(; Main partner: European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) - Geneva; Role: Design, thermo-mechanical training and testing/validation of shape memory alloy -basef couplers. - InSPiRATiON (Integrate and Sustainable Processes and mAterials for smarT ON demand laseradditive manufacturing) Framework: Italian Program on Research and Innovation 2014-2020 (PON “R&I” 2014- 2020); Main partner: CALEF Consortium; Role: Mechanical testing of additively manufactured materials. - NextTower (Advanced Materials Solutions for next generation high efficiency concentrated solar power (CSP) tower systems) ( Framework: Horizon 2020; Main partner: CALEF Consortium; Role: Design Of Experiments, Regression & Materials Optimization, Lifetime Prediction, Thermomechanical & Thermal Characterization In Laboratory INVITED PRESENTATIONS TO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND/OR SCHOOLS - Fracture mechanics of shape memory alloys: modeling and experimental approaches, 11th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, Metz (France), 2018 - Fatigue and fracture properties of pseudoelastic SMAs, Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, Milano (Italy); 2016. - NiTi based Shape Memory Alloys, University of Southampton, Southampton (United Kingdom), 2008; - Applications of NiTi based Shape Memory Alloys, University of Applied Science, Bochum (Germany), 2008. - Shape memory alloys: experimental characterization and numerical modeling, University of Applied Science, Bochum (Germany), 2007; ORGANIZATION CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIUMS - Organizing committee of the 18° Italian Conference on Fracture (IGF18), Cetraro (CS), Italy, 2006; - Organizing committee of XXXIX Italian Conference on Stress Analysis (XXXIX AIAS), Maratea (PZ), Italy, 2010; - Organizer of the symposium "Shape memory alloys: present and future perspectives" within tha - International Conference on Mechanics (ICM11), Cernobbio, Italy, 2011; - Organizer of the sessions "SMA Devices I" e "SMA Devices III" withion the ASME Conference on Smart Materials Adaptive Structures & Intelligen Systems (SMASIS 2011), Phoenix (AZ), USA, 2011; - Organizing committee of the 21° European Conference on Fracture (ECF21), Catania, Italy, 2016;
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