Alessandra CRISPINI
Professori Ordinari
Chimica generale e inorganica (CHEM-03/A)
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- a.crispini@unical.it
- 0984 492888
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Prof. Alessandra Crispini was born in Cosenza il 25/11/1964. Graduated in Chemistry at the University of Calabria (Italy) in 1989, where she attended the PhD in Inorganic and Structural Chemistry in 1992.
Professional Experience:
Head of the Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Department, University of Calabria (2018-2021 as a continuation of the previous three years 2015-2018). Elected Member as Professor representative within the Academic Senate for the three years length 2021-2024.
2012-present Full Professor of Inorganic and structural Chemistry in the Chemistry and Chemical Thecnologies Department at the University of Calabria (03/B1, SSD CHIM/03); 2001-2012 Reader of Inorganic Chemistry in the Faculty of Farmacy at the University of Calabria (03/B1, SSD CHIM/03);
1994-2001 Junior lecturer of Inorganic Chemistry in the Faculty of Farmacy at the University of Calabria; 1993-1994 PostDoc at Department of chemistry, University of Bristol (UK), (Italian National Research Council (C.N.R) Grant). Research based on the use of structural databases (in particular the Cambridge Structural Database) in order to analyze geometrical parameters (to provide information on 'typical' dimensions of molecular parameters) and to provide experimental tests of theories.
Prof. Crispini regularly acts as reviewer for the most prestigious international journals in the field of inorganic, organometallic, bioinorganic, materials and structural chemistry of RSC, ACS, Wiley, Elsevier.
Teaching activity:
All the teaching activities played by Prof. Alessandra Crispini are in the field of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry. In particular: General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Molecular and nanostructured materials, Intermolecular interactions in molecular materials.
Research Interest:
The research activity is devoted towards the molecular structure determination using single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction techniques of inorganic and coordination compounds in the studies of correlation between structures and properties, following main research lines:
a) structural characterisation of mesogenic (in particular metal containing liquid crystals) and luminescent materials: In this field the research works has been devoted towards the studies of the intermolecular interaction within both the crystalline solid state and liquid crystalline aggregation of pro-mesogenic molecular materials. From this point of view, the engineering and the synthesis of new metal containing materials has been supported by the deep analysis of the supramolecular organization of the pro-mesogenic molecules starting from their aggregation at room temperature in their crystalline solid state. As example, a wide work has been developed towards the structural characterization of Ag(I) complexes containing oligopyridines as building blocks for the engineering of columnar liquid crystals. The analysis of several Ag(I) complexes containing N,N-chelating ligands variously substituted constitute now a proper library of ionic and molecular derivatives for the comprehension of the modulation of the sub-unit fragments responsible of their poly-mesorphism behavior;
b) structural characterisation of new inorganic compounds of biological and pharmaceutical interest, containing metal coordinated organic molecules of natural extraction.
The knowledge the metal complexes 3D structure, obtained thanks to their crystallization and to X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis is the contribution at the studies devoted to the synthesis and improvement of biological properties by modifying active molecular fragments on already performing molecules. The research work has been then devoted towards the X ray characterization by single crystal analysis as the base work to better engineer metal complexes being able to function as highly performing drugs with respect to many human diseases already treated with metal based drugs. The research activity has moved towards the preparation and structural characterization of transition metal complexes (particularly of Zn(II), Cu(II) and Ag(I)) with talored antioxidant, antimicrobial and antitumor activities, structurally suitable to be included into polymeric matrices of natural extraction used as carrier for the new bioactive inorganic systems.
c) solid state chemistry: solid state synthesis (mechanochemistry) of i) inorganic coordination compounds and blends of biologically active inorganic coordination complexes and natural polymeric matrices as supporting carriers; ii) organic, inorganic and hybrid organic/inorganic co-crystals.
The research activity takes place in the Inorganic Molecular Materials Laboratory based in the Chemistry Department of the University of Calabria.
Prof. Alessandra Crispini has been involved in several research projects at national (PRIN2001, 04, 06, 11, FIRB03, PON2007-2013, 2016-2019) and international level (Marie Curie Development Host Proposal n. MCFH-2001-00285, 2002-2006, COST Chemistry Working Group, 2006-2008), as component of the research team and scientific coordinator.
PI of the project "3D-BIOCOMED: stampaggio in 3D di BIOCOMpositi per l'EDilizia" (730,000 euro) 2017, POR CALABRIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020, ASSE I – PROMOZIONE DELLA RICERCA E DELL’INNOVAZIONE. Obiettivo specifico 1.2 “Rafforzamento del sistema innovativo regionale e nazionale” Azione 1.2.2 “Supporto alla realizzazione di progetti complessi di attività di ricerca e sviluppo su aree tematiche di rilievo e all’applicazione di soluzioni tecnologiche funzionali alla realizzazione delle strategie di S3”. Invited lecture on “Metal-based active biofilms: modulation of properties by using zinc and silver coordination Compounds”, in 13th ON-LINE Edition of symposium with international participation - New trends and strategies in the chemistry of advanced materials with relevance in biological systems, technique and environmental protection – October, 7-8, 2021
Invited lecture on ”Bioactive and/or chromonic materials based on transition metal complexes", for CoGICO-2018, Florence 18-20 July 2018.
Invited lecture on ”Bioactive and/or chromonic materials based on transition metal complexes", within the PhD course in Scienze della Vita, Department of Science and Health, Università della Magna Grecia, Catanzaro, 30 Maggio 2016; Invited lecture on “Intermolecular Interactions in the design of metal containing liquid crystals and their properties”, in NEW TRENDS AND STRATEGIES IN THE CHEMISTRY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS WITH RELEVANCE IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS, TECHNIQUE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, June 04-05, 2015 Timişoara, Romania; Invited lecture on “Liquid-Crystal Engineering: From Molecules to Materials ” in “Past, Present and Future of Crystallography@Politecnico di Milano: from small molecules to macromolecules and supramolecular structure”, Milano 6-7 June, 2013; Invited in the International courses: Module in Diffraction in Soft Materials for MASTER IN CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND CRYSTALLIZATION 2010, UIMP, Universitad Intenational Menéndez Pelayo.
Named from 2011 Chair of the ECA SIG13 (Special Interest Group Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association) title: “Molecular Structure and Chemical Properties”
Member of the Committee of the “Gruppo Interdivisionale di Chimica Strutturale” of the Società Chimica Italiana, 2011-2013 and 2014-2016.
h index 39, 144 scientific papers, 5095 Citations (15/10/2022) Scopus.
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- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- a.crispini@unical.it
- 0984 492888