University of CalabriaHRS4RUniversity of CalabriaHRS4R
University of CalabriaHRS4R
Address bookAddress book
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Published June 21, 2024, 12:49 p.m.

Conference: After Neoliberalism. Mediterranean and Latin American Perspectives on Subjectivity, Violence, and Cooperation

Congresso: Dopo Il Neoliberalismo

It will be held from July 1 to 5 at the University of Calabria, the conference titled: "After Neoliberalism. Mediterranean and Latin American Perspectives on Subjectivity, Violence, and Cooperation."

The purpose of the Congress is to reflect on the systemic transformations and hegemonic transition in act over the last decades, and especially on its recordable impacts on the practical and theoretical expressions of subjectivity and violence, as well as on the initiatives of the international cooperation and of the geopolitical scenario. The analytical approach here chosen privileges perspectives focused on the regions united and separated by the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic and the Pacific, in search of elements of critical and comparative understanding of the systemic trends and of the crucial changes rapidly produced by them. In particular, the attention will highlight the structural asymmetries and power differentials determined by the neocolonialist processes of commodification, globally spreading precariousness and the systematic use of old and new forms of violence, which today generate a condition of perpetual crisis, of systemic chaos and even of exasperated international conflictuality. As a result of these same developments, they have emerged more or less explicit, impactful and autonomous subjects and dynamics of resistance, organized around demands related to territorial, class, ethnic-cultural, gender and migratory issues. The question about which we reflect is whether the forms of organization and action, as well as the communicative, aesthetic and even ethical expression of such subjectivities, which are found in the lines of rupture and interstices that mark the ongoing conflicts and crises, allow us to recognize cracks, escapes and processes of gestation of new social, cultural and political trajectories, through which we can glimpse the concrete paths bringing beyond the moribund and deadly neoliberal paradigm.  



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  • - English