University of CalabriaHRS4RUniversity of CalabriaHRS4R
University of CalabriaHRS4R
Address bookAddress book
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Educational activities

Everything you need to know if you want to study at UniCal: educational offer, guidance, benefits to access higher education and educational services.

Studenti in aula

Educational offer

The educational offer is extremely varied, internationally-oriented and aimed at the needs of the area with 80 degree courses, as well as 15 degree programs in English and specialized post-graduate courses.

Ingresso CR

Benefits to access higher education

Gli studenti capaci e meritevoli che vogliono proseguire gli studi superiori, ma che si trovano in una condizione economica sfavorevole, possono contare sui benefici e i servizi del Diritto allo Studio.

Scuole all'Unical


Guidance services and initiatives provide students with the necessary information and instruments to take their university career.