Admission to the Single Cycle Master's Degree course in Primary Teacher Education ay 2024/2025
Qualifying qualification for teaching in nursery and primary school
To participate in the admission competition:
- Read the call admission.
- Register on the site (if already registered, proceed to step 3).
- Select Menu -> Registrar's Office -> Calls for applications -> Test Registration -> Master’s degree course ( 5 years - 2nd Cycle One-Tier Degree programme) -> Scienze della Formazione Primaria.
- Fill out the application for the competition by 2:00 PM on August 30, 2024. Any English language proficiency certification must be declared and a copy of the relevant document must be attached during the application process.
- Pay the participation fee for the selection test, available after completing the admission application (step 4) on Esse3 in the section Menu -> Segreteria (Administration) -> Pagamenti/Situazione tasse (Payments/Fees Status). The fee of €50 must be paid online via PagoPA (payment instructions) by 2:00 PM on August 30, 2024, and it cannot be refunded under any circumstances. Failure to pay within the deadline will result in exclusion from the test.
- Participate in the admission selection test scheduled for September 13, 2024. More details on the test procedure can be found in the admission notice and in Annex A to DM 1114 of 07/31/2024.
- - Bando di Ammissione
- - Allegato 1 – Candidati stranieri e titoli di studio esteri
- - DM 1134 del 06-08-2024 Numero posti definitivi
- - DM 1134 Tabella A
- - DM 1134 Tabella B
- - Decreto Ministeriale n. 1114 del 31-07-2024
- - Allegato A - Programmi - D.M. n. 1114 del 31-07-2024
- - Guida alla registrazione e alla compilazione della domanda su Esse3
- - Guida al pagamento on-line
- - Regolamento tasse
- - Allegato Tasse a.a. 24/25: Importi e Scadenze
- - Archivio bandi di ammissione